Chapter 4

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Previously in All We Are

I took a deep breath once I was finally away from the high strong group of friends. Relief was running through my veins as I pushed back the rouge locks of hair that had fell to my face and made my way to the exit.

I was 10 feet away from the door when a heavy hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned my head around expecting to see Niall or Marlee.

My stomach dropped as my eyes met with a pair of emerald green eyes that were infamous to me.


I stood there, completely caught off guard and paralyzed in fear. I had abandoned all the power in my jaw allowing it to fall wide open. My only memory of the poisonous green eyes was surfaced and replayed, leaving a basketball sized knot in my stomach.

The boys lips curled into a sly smile, unquestionably pleased with the reaction he was receiving from me. I could only imagine how wide my eyes appeared to be, reinforcing the look of shock and worry.

"Hello." I spoke hesitantly realizing it was my turn to speak.

The boy took a bold step forward towards me, leaving his pack of friends behind him.

"Are we leaving or not?" A brown haired boy spoke out from the lingering group, sounding impatient.

The still nameless male waved his hand over his shoulder letting his friends know he was busy.

They all sauntered off in the direction of the bar, looking thoroughly unhappy.

I shifted uncomfortably trying to avoid looking into the green eyes, knowing the memories they were able to conjure up and the unwanted feelings they created.

"You look so familiar." The words ran out of his mouth sounding more like a question than an observation.

At first I thought he was teasing me, trying to get me to squirm under his presence. How could he have forgotten our troublous run in.

He furrowed his brow, eyes never leaving my face as if he was trying to place me.

He really didn't remember.

"You don't look familiar to me," I said, aiming to end the conversation, "have a good night."

I quickly turned away and searched for either Niall or Marlee, silently praying one of them would make their presence known quickly.

"Not so fast." He snickered, grabbing my arm so I was facing him again.

I shrugged his hand off, a pained expression spreading over my face. The feeling of being manhandled was too familiar to my body.

"I'm Harry." The name sounded like silk coming out of his mouth.

"Dance with me." He demanded, obviously not realizing my disgust for him.

His eyes smiled into mine as if they were begging for a good time.

His hand latched onto mine, resurfacing the feeling of panic in my mind.

"I don't like to dance." I rushed, pulling my hand back.

I spotted Niall a couple feet away and relief flooded through me.

"I think you'd like dancing with me." he spoke suggestively.

"No thanks," I frowned at the obvious comment, "see you later."

I rushed over to Niall who was currently walking around completely out of it and conversing with himself.

"Let's go outside." I said, tapping on his shoulder.

All We Are // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now