Chapter 1

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Blood, to say that I hated it would be an understatement. So when I discovered there was a trail of it trickling down my chin you could understand my disgust.

I swiped the back of my right hand across my chin and held it up to my blurring eyes, revealing the smudged crimson liquid. I whipped it onto the back of my jeans, cringing. The muffled sound of hospital sirens rang in the back of my ears indicating a patient in critical condition. My boots scuffed across the fractured pavement of the back parking lot which gave a direct entrance to the ER.

A dim, depressing light shown through the glass walls of the Emergency Room which reflected the gloomy disposition of the patients inside. There was a light sensation of humidity in the air as the first droplet of rain hit my temple. I quickly pulled the black hood over my head and secured any loose strands of dark hair behind my ears. I tugged the sleeve of my jumper over my right hand to act as a guard against the numerous bacteria plausibly inhabiting the hospital door and entered.

Various heads turned to observe the new patient, no apologetic looks in their eyes for my appalling state, just the exceptional display of surprise or gratefulness for not obtaining the same injuries. I suddenly became self-conscious of my frazzled appearance: ripped jeans, muddy boots, unshapely black jumper shadowing my forehead, bruised jaw, unruly trail of blood stretching from my lip to the middle of my neck, and blood shot eyes. A nurse, sat behind a desk, cleared her throat calling to my attention.

"Can I help you with something, dear?" She asked as if the river of gushing blood down the lower region of my face wasn't obvious. I wiped a tickling scarlet droplet off my chin with the top of my wrist, and reached for a tissue.

"I need someone to look at my lip." I demanded, harsher than I intended to. The nurse narrowed her tiered eyes at me and opened a drawer, fishing around for paper work. The nerves in my jaw sent driftless shocks of pain to my brain causing me to bite down hard on my lip. I immediately regretted this decision, as it only increased both the amount of vital fluid I was loosing and the size of the unforgiving gash.

I cupped my hand and ran it across my chin, trying to collect as much blood as possible. My eyes took in the miniature pool of the haunting liquid, which caused my stomach to turn. Another stab of pain shot through my jaw. My left hand flung up to cradle the bruise in attempts to ease the agony, causing my mind to flashback to the events that had taken place earlier that evening. Still wincing from pain, my eyes focused back on the red solution being retained in my now weak hand. Black dots started appearing in my eyes like stars in the night sky.

The nurse had finally retrieved the correct paperwork, and was realizing my desperate state. By now I was seeing more black than I was seeing normal color and the room was at a slow spin. My eyes went from her concerned face to my cupped hand. She threw the bundle of papers back on the desk and ran around to face me.

"Are you going to be sick?" All of her words muffled together in my ears. All I could do was nod and let my self wilt into the strangers arms.

3 Hours Earlier

Smoke was the first thing I smelt when I woke up. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I couldn't help it. My joints were still aching from the night before and I had a migraine that made my head feel like it was hundred pounds. I checked the clock set on the bedside table.


I had been asleep for 10 minutes. I turned to face my unnamed partner. His eyes were closed but I couldn't tell if he was sleeping. I decided not to find out. It was easier if I didn't make a scene about payment. They usually didn't like that.

I soundlessly lifted my body out of the soft hotel bed. I grimaced when I realized that my legs were more frail and skinny looking now than they were toned. My muscles were screaming for me to sit back down but it was my only chance to leave in peace.

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