137. Avery Styles

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Neymar's POV

Today Kendall called for a family meeting for some reason. It was a bit surprising since Kendall is a little stand off ish with the family.

Since her and Harry have been together she's been more busier and we haven't really heard from her in a while. It was nice to see her.

We all gathered in the living room where everyone was talking and catching up. All the kids where either talking or on their phone, teenagers these days.

Everybody stopped talking when the baby monitor sounded of Stormi's crying, meaning that my princess was awake from her nap. Perfect timing.

"I'll go get her mum, you stay." Davi said running up the stairs. We all awed when his voice was heard talking to his little sister in a cute manner.

Seconds later he came down the stairs and passed me my little girl to hold and we went back to our conversations.

I couldn't help but notice that there was a girl just sitting there next to Kendall and Harry. She had grey/white hair and looked about Gabi's age.

Kendall noticed the look of confusion my face and that's when she spoke up.

"Ok so I called for the meeting to let you all know on some things. Harry and I have been together for a while and wanted to move forward on some things. We wanted a baby but relapsed that we were too busy for one. Still wanting a child we decided to adopt a teen. I mean it would be easier for us. So here's Avery, our daughter." We all looked at the young girl and smiled.

Of course Gabi being Gabi jumped up and dragged Avery out of the room making us all laugh. North, P, Angel, Chicago and True all followed behind them.

"I'm guessing that went well. Congratulations guys!" Kris said facing Kendall and Harry.

Avery is played by llinastyles

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