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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokespe. Do I have to right this every chapter? Oh PS, even though Bianca wasn't there when Black disappeared, I will include her here.

White's POV

"BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" I screamed as the Light Stone flew away. No! Why!? Why does it have to be him? Why!? Right after saving Unova from Team Plasma too!

"White!" I turn and see Cheren, Bianca, the Gym Leaders, the Elite 4 members and Professor Juniper run up to me. 

"What happened here? Where's Black? Please tell me. No, tell us!" Bianca rushed.

"..." I couldn't answer. Not after everything that happened in front of me. I couldn't tell them without saying it was my fault that Black disappeared. That I could have grabbed him and he wouldn't be... gone.

"White, what's wrong?" Cheren asked.

"Black... he was absorbed into the Light Stone after N and Zekrom left. Ghetsis pushed him onto Reshiram using Beeheym as Reshiram was turning back into the Light Stone. I couldn't save him. I couldn't get the Light Stone before it flew away too." I could feel tears forming around my eyes as they fall on the floor. 

"White..." Bianca gave me a hug. The memory of Black disappearing flashed through my mind. I couldn't bear it. I owe him, for helping me with so much. I have to tell him too. That I like him.

"What will we do now?" Cheren asked.

"Hmm... I never thought it would come to this. We would need to search all over Unova to find him. Gym Leaders, you will help right?" Marshal asked.

"Of course." Elesa answered.

"Ya, we'll do whatever possible to get 'im back!" Clay added. The gym leaders all nodded.

"We should search for the Ghetsis and the other Team Plasma members too." Caitlin said.

"Right!" Everyone looked determined to search for the newly crowned champion.

"See White, it will be okay." Bianca whispered. I nodded but as I lay in bed that night, I just thought that it won't be okay. Everything will be fine. It has to be! Those were my last thoughts as I drifted to sleep.

Black's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was drifting around. Where am I? How did I get here?  Oh right, I got sucked into the Light Stone. I hope Prez is okay. I hope she isn't out of her mind with worry. I just need to tell her though. That I will be okay and that... I like her. But how would I do that?

"Mu?" I turned and saw Musha floating beside me. 

"Musha... will you help me? I need to see Prez."

"Mu!" Musha flew on top of my head as I closed my eyes and drifted into a dream.

Third Person POV

"Prez. Prez! WHITE!"  White gasped as she opened her eyes. She was standing in a pitch black place and saw something or someone in front of her.

"Black? Is that you?" White asked.

"Yeah it's me. But this is a dream right now. Even though I'm contacting you through Musha's psychic power, this is not in the real world. I'm still trapped in the Light Stone. Prez?"  Tears fell once again as White ran forward and embraced him. 

"I'm sorry Black. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything for you. You were right there. I could have grabbed you before you flew onto Reshiram but I didn't. Now your gone and it's all my fault." 

"That's not true Prez. I didn't want you to save me anyway. I wanted you to stay away so that you could still be out in the real world, fulfilling your dream. I didn't want you to feel any pain because of me. Besides, even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to withstand the force of Reshiram's pull."

"But why? Why don't you want me to?  You have your own dream to fulfill. It isn't fair that because I didn't try to save you, you have to give up on it."

"It's because... I love you White. I don't want to see you in pain because of me."  He held her tighter.

"I want you to be happy, even if I'm not there to help."

"... Black, I like you too. I don't know how long I can last without you there with me." 


"Black?" White looked at him, realizing he was disappearing, again.

"I'm sorry Prez, but because this is a dream, I can't last long. I wish we had more time, but until the Light Stone can be found again, we won't be able to meet. That's why I want you to do your best. Even if you can't do it for yourself, do it for me. Will you?" he asked as he shimmered and disappeared.

"Black wait. Please don't leave me again. Black? BLAAACK!"

Ah tragedy. Man that was sad. Hopefully in the manga, Black will be back very very soon. It's been more than 2000 days since he was trapped in the Light Stone. KUSAKA PLEASE HURRY UP! Well, I hope you still enjoyed it. Once again, please comment about anything. Just no cursing. Good reading!

Edit on 3/21/20- Black has been out for a while. Yay. But B2W2 (and SM) ended to quickly. Maybe Kusaka needs a break.

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