Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

 I had a dream last night, as per usual.  And just like the other odd dreams I had, this one was eve weirder. I was standing on the edge of the woods. In front of me was a

An aching pain in my body was the first thing my brain registered as I started to wake up. My eyes slowly fluttered open, the first thing I noticed was that I was in a soft bed. The covers resting on my stomach, my head lying on a white fluffy pillow.
My arms ached. No matter how much I moved them, they were impossibly numb. Someone could cut off my arms and I would not feel a thing. I was exhausted. Incidentally my head and shoulders ached as well as my back. My mouth felt like a scorpion had crawled inside it and made a nest. And my teeth hurt.
I slowly sat up, my blanket slipping away from my body. I noticed I was wearing pajamas and my shoes were gone. I looked around at the room I was in. The bed I was in was king size, with a nice duvet. One window curtained with a square starched white cotton cloth, that drew over the panes by means of a white cord. A tiny wash-stand with an old-fashioned bowl and pitcher of green and stone, and over it an old-fashioned gilt mirror was hung.

Getting out of bed, I wobbled over to stand in front of the mirror. The tile floor was freezing beneath my feet. When I looked up, I had to hold in a scream. My hair was a major rats nest that would probably break any brush. My face was pale as if I hadn’t  been outside in days. If I saw that face on somebody walking down a highway intersection asking for money, I would've locked the car doors.

I looked down, finally noticing what I was wearing. I was in silk white pajama bottoms and a matching white button up shirt. I looked around one more time before noticing a brown wooden door that I had walked passed and ignored.

I walked over and pulled it open slowly. The door creaked open loudly causing me to flinch from the unexpected noise. When I opened the door fully, I jumped in surprise because behind the door was some guy I didn’t know.

He was  five foot ten inches with medium blond hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with a jet black jacket over it.

His pants and boots were jet black as well so I’m guessing he was a bad boy type. He was a tan guy with a slight build.He looked to be in his early twenties or so I think. This guy would be considered attractive if I didn’t have boyfriend.

“Who are you?” I blurted out.

That came out ruder than I expected. Oops.

“I’m Dominic Robinson. I know you're confused but I’ll explain when we’re in the living room. ” He said, before turning to walk away,” Follow me, please.”

I didn’t follow. My mom told me not to trust strangers.

“ Where’s my brother? And Silverwing?” I said, starting to freak out,” And where am I? Where is this place…”

He turned to look at me, eyes patient,” Your brother is fine and so is your dragon. And for the other questions, I will explain when we get into the other room. We wanted to wait for you to wake up before we explained everything. Now, come on. We are wasting daylight.” He started walking again.

This time I followed.


The house looked just as old as the bedroom. After leaving the room, we walked through a long hallway with lots of doors. I expected him to turn into one of them but he didn’t. He went all the way to the end of the hall, where a door similar to the others was waiting.

He opened the door for me and gestured for me to enter first. Well, at least he’s got manners.

I walked into the room. As soon as I entered, my eyes took in the scenery. The room wasn’t that big. It was pretty much the same size as the room I was in. It didn’t have much furniture. There were two black couches facing each other in the middle of the room with a clear glass table between them.

There was only two doors in the room. One was across the room with bright sunlight shining through it’s small window. And the other was the one we just came through. Along the walls were incredible paintings that looked like they should be in a gallery, not this dump.

There were no other windows. The only other thing that gave light was a big glass chandelier above the table. And sitting on the couch facing me, was Corey, Brenda, and James. They were here and safe. I sighed in relief.

“So, the zombie awakes.” Corey jokes, with a quiet chuckle.

Brenda quickly whacked Corey upside the head,” What he means to say is, are you all right? You’ve been passed out for three days now.” Brenda said, worriedly.

“I’m fine, I guess. Where are we?” I asked.

“ If you will be seated, I can explain everything.” The guy spoke from behind me.

I jumped slightly, almost forgetting he was there. I sat down on the arm of the couch next to James.

When we were all comfortable, the guy began explaining what happened. He told me what happened after I passed out. How he arrived, defeated the dragon, and brought us here a few miles away to his cabin.

“But that doesn’t explain who you are, though?” I said suspiciously, after he finished talking.

He flushed, embarrassed as he realized this.

“Yes, I apologize. I am Dominic Robinson.” He spoke, apologetically.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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