Chapter 1

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            "Loren, don't listen to all those people giving you a hard time about your fanuality. I'm proud of you for even having the guts to wear that jersey in this arena." said Claire. 

            "Cryers fans are delusional anyways, I'm not too worried." I chuckled. Claire is used to me calling the Flyers the Cryers, she should expect it from me as a Penguins fan. Claire's a Flyers fan, but she's literally the only decent one. She's about the sweetest person you'll ever meet.

            Claire shook her head while she smiled. "Let's get into our seats before someone beats you up."

            "If someone beats me up, I'll beat them up worse than they did to me." I retorted. I can defend myself, thank you very much.

             We arrived in our seats very quickly, avoiding people. I like pissing Flyers fans off, but Claire insisted we avoid them. Our seats were nosebleeds, but it's a playoff game. The lower bowl seats are for rich people and season ticket holders, not college students. Before the game had even started, "Crosby sucks" chants were already being chanted. 

            "HISCHIER'S BETTER!" I yelled, to fight against the chants degrading Crosby. The Cryers fan sitting in front of me didn't even turn around, just flipped me off. My mission is successful in pissing off Flyers fans. 

            Before we knew it, the game had started. Sadly, the Cryers look good. Murray is playing well, like he always does when he's under pressure. I have no worries about the opposing team's domination with the way Murray's playing.

           About a minute and fifteen seconds into the first period, Nolan Patrick gets on a breakaway. Murray makes an amazing glove save to keep the scoreless. Patrick's not a sniper, so all of us PengWINS fans believed in Murray. 

           "If only he'd have gotten more elevation on the shot." Claire remarked. She would know, she's an excellent hockey player herself. 

           The rest of the first period went by in a blur, except for Crosby's wraparound goal. Not amazing, like I know Crosby can do, but it still counts on the scoreboard.

          The second period starts soon. Brassard scores about 3 minutes in.

          Geno scores. This game's over. The Penguins don't blow leads, they're not the Crapitals.

         Next strike is Dumolin. By now the Cryers fans are getting depressed. Some are even beginning to leave.

         Sanheim scores for the Flyers. It gives the team a little life, but they still can't get back in this.

        After the second period finishes, Claire asks, "Can we just leave? We know it's gonna be a blowout."

        I grin. "No, I like watching you guys suffer." Claire gives me the stink eye.

        We come back for the third period. The Wells Fargo Center looks noticeably emptier. 

        There is only one goal in the third, and it's elite sniper Justin Schultz. By now, the Flyers fans that haven't left start leaving. I'm jumping for joy.

        "Ok, Loren, we need to discreetly escape, since now the fans really want to beat you up. Remember, these are the same fans that threw bracelets when they started losing to the Capitals in 2016." Claire advises. 

        "How about we stall our way out? That way, the fans that are still here have already left, and most of the traffic will be gone." Claire nods her head, agreeing with my plan.

         We walk around the arena for a while, until a security guard yells at us and tells us to leave.

A/N: Ya yeet I'm super duper excited to be starting this! As a Penguins fan myself I'm cooking up some good roasts that  Loren can say to Nolan when they meet soon😉😉😉

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