Blissfully Perfect? Not Likely

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Chapter 25 - Blissfully Perfect? Not Likely.

I wake up at around eleven the next morning. That's early, considering it was half four when we all managed to get to bed. At first I think last night was just a dream. How can everything have gone from insanely complicated to blissfully perfect in one day? Okay, maybe not everything is blissfully perfect, but almost.

I am Scorpius Malfoy's girlfriend.

I never thought I'd say that. When Dad told me on my first day of first year not to get 'too close' to him, I thought 'as if!' Back then he was a scrawny little Draco-Clone with a pointy face - sort of like a rat. He was like that for a few years - then in fourth year he started getting girlfriends. It sort of came as a shock - he was only fourteen after all. But he no longer had the pointy face thing going on...he'd sort of filled out. He became less like his dad and more like his mum. Well, I think he's more like his mum, apart from the fact that she has jet black hair and he has snowy blonde. Then he took the growth spurt and he was just a completely different person than the one Dad had warned me not to get 'too close' to.

And now I am his girlfriend.

So, deciding that I'm too happy to possibly sleep any more, I get out of bed and take a long, hot shower, reflecting on just how perfect life has become. I will no longer focus on the negatives. Cynical, sarcastic, pessimistic Rose Weasley is no more - I officially love life. The glass is half-full, the Hippogriff is half-bird, James is a half-wit...and I am in love!

So, to celebrate, today I sing 'I'm So Excited' at the top of my voice - I'm not worried about waking the entire house. They drank and danced so much last night that I don't expect to see them until at least mid-afternoon. After I'm full sure that I've used every drop of hot water in the house, I hop (well, you know) out of the shower and get dressed. Lily is still conked out in her bed - she didn't come in until well after six o'clock this morning, having spent the night wandering around the countryside with Lorcan. I can't see Dom's face as her mass of strawberry blonde hair is covering it, but her loud snoring tells me that she's still fast asleep. She tried to bring Mark back to the room last night, but Uncle Bill caught her. Those scars all over his face make him look way more intimidating than he actually is, so Mark didn't dare try and sneak in after he'd left, much to Dom's disappointment.

I leave the bedroom quietly, and as I close the door gently, the door of Al and Scorpius' room opens. At first I'm excited at the prospect of seeing my boyfriend - my boyfriend - but then I'm disappointed when I see it's just my stupid cousin. My stupid, extremely hung-over cousin.

"Morning Albus!" I grin at him. He's not wearing his glasses, so he squints at me and runs a hand through his very messy black hair. He looks like a dog's dinner.

"Red," he greets me back as retaliation for me using his full name.

"Where are your glasses?"

He holds them up - they are broken in two.

"How on earth did you manage that one?" I scoff.

"Slept on 'em," he grumbles.

"So fix them," I shrug. We learned the bloody Reparo charm back in first year.

"I can't," he says, "I'm still sixteen, remember?"

Oh yeah. I forgot that.

"Sure you're only a baby," I grin patronizingly and flick my wand at his glasses. He grumbles a 'thank you' (or at least that's what I take it as) and we walk down the stairs to breakfast. A few people are up before us - Nana, Mum, Ginny, Percy, Harry and Fleur - but most are still in bed. Mum, although she went to bed as late as the rest of us, doesn't really look any worse for wear. Percy, on the other hand, looks as if he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep at all.

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