Letters From My Grandmother

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Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, I really do appreciate them even if I don't always get the chance to reply!
Disclaimer - All belongs to JK Rowling except stuff you don't recognise! Oh, and the chapter image...JK didnt make that!


If I thought getting back into the routine of school would help me to take my mind off the mess that is my life, I was much mistaken. I can't stop thinking about Mum and Dad and the fact that the last time I saw Mum she was on the brink of self-destruction. I can't shake the feeling that something terrible is going to happen and there'll be nothing I can do because I'm stuck here at Hogwarts. It's funny, when I'm at home I want to be at Hogwarts and when I'm at Hogwarts I want to be at home. Life is strange.

On the first day back, my breakfast was interrupted by a letter from my Aunt Ginny.

Your Mum has told me everything about your pregnancy. I know your parents are taking the news badly, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay? I'm not going to pull a Ron and go mental on you. I know what it's like to be under the protective cover of Ron Weasley, and it's not fun. I'm your godmother, honey and you can talk to me about these things. It's my job not to lash out at you, but just remember your parents are probably just freaking out about the prospect of becoming grandparents.
I hope you're keeping your strength up. Drink lots of water, make sure to eat breakfast and take in lots of folic acid and calcium. It's most important that you look after your health, for the baby's sake if not for your own. Don't stress too much over schoolwork, it's not good for the baby. I know you're probably rolling your eyes at this letter, but someone needs to give you advice! I remember running to Mum every ten minutes while I was pregnant with James asking her questions. If you have any questions at all, just owl me.
Harry and I are the only ones who know, so you don't have to worry about getting earfuls from your Nana or Grandad or any other family members for that matter. Take care of yourself, it's very important that you do. The first three months are the most critical. I think you need to go and see Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible and tell her about your condition. She'll keep it confidential. I'll come up to see you very soon and we can have a word with Professor Flitwick.
Harry sends his love. Don't worry about your Mum and Dad, we're sorting them out.
Aunt Ginny

Why can't Harry and Ginny be my parents? Then again, if it was Lily who was my age and pregnant, I doubt they'd be so calm. In fact, I'm pretty sure Ginny would go into "Ron Weasley" mode and pull a freaker. Harry would probably suppress his emotions for a few months until eventually the anger would burst out of him and he'd end up killing someone or living in a home somewhere off the coast of Australia. So maybe it's a good thing I'm not their daughter.

But I'm glad that I have Aunt Ginny to talk to because since I came back to Hogwarts, I've been scared out of my mind. I keep having these dreams where I'm going into labour early in my dorm and I'm screaming at the top of my voice, but nobody can hear me. I know I'm only a few weeks in, but I guess I can't help but have fears that something is going to go wrong. So on Monday afternoon, I take Ginny's advice and go to see Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey is an elderly woman, so I'm really nervous that she'll be really old-fashioned about this and try to shun me from the castle. The Hospital Wing is empty (thankfully) when I arrive and Madam Pomfrey is sitting in her office. I knock on the door and walk in.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I say timidly

"Yes? Weasley, isn't it?"

I nod.

"I don't know how many times I've seen your parents in here. What can I do for you?" she asks.

"Well, the thing is..." I start, "I'm sort of...with child."

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