My Father's Daughter

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Chapter 15 - My Father's Daughter

It seems like every day is the same - the early morning vomit, breakfast, mid-morning vomit, class, late morning vomit, class, lunch, class, dinner, possible vomit (depending on what was for dinner), homework, study, early evening cry, homework, mid-evening cry, relax in Common Room, bed, midnight cry and sleep. Well, that's the basic schedule. It changes now and again.

A week after the Slytherin - Gryffindor match, the Slytherins are still singing their ridiculous victory chants. Dom, who is even more impatient than I am, put two sixth years Parkinson and Briggs in the Hospital Wing on Wednesday for singing "Weasley is our King" (except they changed it to 'Weasley is a Minger'...they're about as smart as a sack of Gobstones). So Dom now has detention, which she still maintains is worth it.

Today is Saturday and while Dom is in the Hospital Wing cleaning bedpans (poor girl), Lily and Lorcan have gone for a stroll around the lake and Al and Jenny have become study partners. It's day of the sickening couples, methinks. I, however, am chilling out in the Common Room with my feet up on the coffee table reading a book called "Predicting the Sex" - it's a kind of Divination book that helps you predict what sex your baby's going to be, among other stuff. It's a load of crap really.

Step One: Tea Leaves

I look into my cup - my tea leaves appear to be making the shape of a brown blob-like object. That means...the baby will have brown eyes. Wow, genius - I couldn't have figured that one out on my own considering both of the kid's parents have brown eyes.

Step Two: Palm Reading

Apparently I have to count the amount of lines on my index finger and on my thumb on my right hand and then divide that by the number of fingers I have (excluding thumbs) on my left hand. Who the hell comes up with this stuff? Okay, I got five.

0-4 - The child will inherit its paternal grandmother's hair
5-9 - The child will inherit its father's hair
10-14 - The child will inherit its maternal grandfather's hair
15-19 - The child will inherit its mother's hair

Right, so according to this book, I have a brown-eyed, blonde haired child.

Step Three: Touch and Temper

Place your hands on the base of the bump and sing this song.

And then there's a very long Latin song that goes on for three - no, four - pages. Well bugger this for a game of soldiers. I place my hands at the base of my ever-growing bump and start to sing (well, more like try to decipher what the hell the words are and how to pronounce them).

"A-tru," I start and trail off.

And then I feel a really weird feeling. I mean, really weird. It's's almost as if the baby is -

Oh dear Merlin, my baby is kicking! And there's nobody else in the Common Room to feel this!

I run from the Gryffindor tower, clutching my stomach, not wanting to miss a single kick. I decide to rush to the Hospital Wing so Dom can feel this. The bloody corridors are empty too because everyone is either outside or in their common rooms. When I reach the fourth floor, I spot someone - finally.

"Malfoy!" I call, "Malfoy quick!"

Malfoy, who is with a group of friends, turns around and spots me, clutching my stomach on the staircase. His face changes from calm to frantic in a split-second. He runs over to me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, glaring at my stomach, which I'm still clutching, "Is it the baby? Holy shit, are you having it now?"

I roll my eyes, grab his hand and place it on my stomach.

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