Plastic Soul

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WARNING: Cursing, Violence, Angst, Emotional stuff


The hut laid there in silence as the wind continued to brush against you in the darkened night. The feeling of dread loomed in the area as you can see the rubble still present. It left a grim reminder of what happened to someone that tried to help you out in your quest for survival. The isolated feeling was starting to sink in as you felt your walls of safety crumble before you.

Though, now was the worst time to be getting worried or scared at what could attack you in the night. You decided to go over to see what Elder Kettle dropped. You saw a brown backpack laying off into the leaves. As you stood over it, you decided to pick it up and check what was inside. You were able to see two canteens of water, two small bowls, a set of silverware, some snacks, and some miscellaneous stuff for first aid. You also saw a small picture frame that consisted of himself and his grandsons...

However, as you glanced at the bag... You realized that there was a reason for these two sets...

You both were meant to escape together.

You let out a soft sigh. Now that was impossible... But you couldn't stand here and wallow around now, can you? Nevertheless, you thought that maybe you should check the hut once more. There's a small possibility you can find something that survived that's worth it... After all, your stuff was inside there.

You began to head into the clearing, seeing the broken down house. You could see bits and pieces of wood and appliances from the former hut, sticking out of the debris. Off to the side, you saw your luggage... Well... It WAS your luggage. When you checked to see what was actually salvageable... The only thing that really survived was a few of your clothes. You decided to at least take some for the trip. You put them into the bag and closed it up, securing it tightly. You then got up from the pile of ruins, ready to continue the investigation. However, as you started to stroll on over, you heard a voice.

"Well well well... You're still alive. Guess Hilda failed to take you in..."

As you turned, you caught a glimpse of the two brothers, glancing at you with wide evil smirks as they stood near the pathway entrance. Mugman chuckled as he crossed his arms.

"Say... Where's the old man? What, did he abandon you?"



1.) This is all your fault!

2.) He's been taken

3.) None of your business

4.) Gone. That's all.

5.) Sarcasm



You were pretty pissed off. Hilda said these two are the reason that the old man was taken away. There was no one else to blame but them.

"It's all your fault! He's been taken because of you two!!"

The two lieutenants then started to laugh in unison as they wore a cruel expression. Cuphead was the one to speak up.

"Hah! So he finally got what's coming to him? About time! If he's the one that's been helpin' out them outsiders, then Hilda just plucked a huge thorn from the boss's side."

Mugman then crossed his arms as he spoke.

"Hmph. Guess we owe it to Berg this time."



You glanced up at them. They were the ones that managed to find the clues needed to apprehend him... And now, the poor old man was gone.

(DISCONTINUED) "Sin City" - Cuphead  Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now