Chapter 3

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(Sarah's POV)

"I don't think that it was either..." Jasmine said in agreement.

"Who would do this?" I wondered.

Something was going on. Mitch wasn't okay. Jerome got stabbed. Sophia fell down the stairs. This didn't make sense to me. I had to find out what was happening and Jasmine is going to help me, whether she wants to or not. That's what best friends do.

"Where do we start?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we go back to Swerves where Mitch got shot..."

We drove to Swerves. It was more run down than I thought. the door was rusted and close to falling off. Jasmine and I managed to find a way in through a window. Our flashlights clicked and there it was. A pool of dried blood, a wooden chair with remnants of rope tied around it, the gun. Wait, the gun? I ran over and looked at it.

"Something doesn't feel right." I said to Jasmine.

I looked around. Jasmine was nowhere to be seen.


(Mitch's POV)

I had no one. My fight with Jerome left me with nothing. I had nothing to live for. Jasmine wouldn't want to see me. My own child wouldn't want to see me. I can't even look into a mirror at myself, so how could anyone else?

You're probably wondering where I've been, what I've been doing, and why I'm acting like this. I'm wondering the same thing.

Something happened the night I got shot. I could have sworn it was Sarah who shot me, but  someone keeps telling me it wasn't. I don't know what to think anymore. My head is so cloudy.

A figure walked up to me.

"Sarah, please... Help  me." I begged.

"Now Mitch, how many times do I have to tell you... I'm not Sarah and I'm not going to help you." The figured said.

"What? Help me, god damn it!" I yelled.

The figured chuckled and walked away. Where was I? What did they want from me?


(Sarah's POV)

"Jasmine?!" I hollered.

I called her. I texted her. I did everything I could to find her. That is, until I found her phone laying face down on the ground. I walked over and picked up the gun. It still had bullets in it.

"Whoever took Jasmine, come out now!" I yelled.

"Okay, okay, you caught me." A figured appeared and walked towards me.

"Jerome... what are you doing here? How did you-" I was interrupted by a kiss.

I broke away and gave him a puzzled look. I couldn't go back to him. He cheated on me and had a child with someone else. It was too much but now isn't the time to think about my personal life. We had to find Jasmine.

"We'll find her and Mitch." Jerome said to me.

"Then let's get started."


Oof I am having trouble writing these chapters guys

- Sarah

Drowning in Tears (JeromeASF and TheBajanCanadian FF) #3Where stories live. Discover now