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My six-thirty alarm goes off, waking up the two sleepy bums next to me as well. I reach over Taeyong and turn off the alarm.

"Thank you," both of them groan.

"Whatever." I get out of bed, go to my room across the hall and get dressed in my school uniform. I go into the bathroom, brush and fix my hair for the day and go back to my room. I sit on my bed thinking about what I should tell Jaehyun about everything that happened and everything that's going to happen.

Seven o'clock comes and Jaehyun texts me saying that he's outside of the house. I walk down stairs, put on my shoes and go out onto the deck. I smile and wave to Jaehyun. He runs over to me and begins to ask if I'm okay and what happened.

"I'm fine and nothing is broken, everything is just bruised and swollen," I say.

"What happened?"

"That is a long story," I say. "And I thought I should come clean now before you find out some other way."

"What are you talking about? Jisoo, is everything okay?" Jaehyun wonders.

I take a deep breath in and begin the long explanation as to how I got all of these bruise, what actually has been going on at my home. I told him everything that I've been trying to hide from him.

Jaehyun seems so surprised to hear all of this from me. "So, you've been lying to me since we've been talking? Why didn't you tell me the truth since then?" Jaehyun wonders.

"Because I thought if I told you then or even a few weeks ago when my Dad gave me a fat lip, you would be freaked out and left me. I really like you Jaehyun, I just couldn't tell you what took me years to tell Doyoung and Taeyong."

Jaehyun places his finger over my mouth to stop me from speaking. "Doyoung knew about this? And I didn't?"

"I've been friends with him for years," I state.

"Does he know about yesterday?"


"I can't believe this," Jaehyun scoffs.

I glance around and then look to Jaehyun. I'm completely lost as to why Doyoung knowing about yesterday is a bad thing. I have been friends with him since I was ten.

"Why shouldn't Doyoung know?"

"Jisoo, you really can't see that Doyoung has a crush on you, can you? I'm not upset because he knew before me, I'm upset that he played me yesterday," he states.

"Doyoung doesn't like me," I protest.

Jaehyun shakes his head at me. "Anyone who watches you two interact can tell that he likes you. I bet if you ask him or Taeyong they will tell you how much he likes you."

I stare down at the ground trying to come up with something to say back to Jaehyun, but I can't come up with anything. I just keep on trying to think back to a time when Doyoung clearly flirted with me.


I look up at Jaehyun. "Yes?"

"I think that we should break up," he says. "I don't think you need to be tied down in a relationship while you go through the trial and whatnot. If you need to talk about this to anyone you can cone to me, okay?"

I stare at Jaehyun in shock. "We're breaking up?"

He nods. "I'm sorry."

I feel tears build up in my eyes, but I blink them back. "Is it really because you think that me being in a relationship is the worse idea for me right now or because you don't want to be with someone with a lot of baggage? Because if it's the latter than you should just tell me now."

Jaehyun licks his lips as he thinks carefully about the answer. "It's a little bit of both," he says.

I nod. "Alright. Thank you for all of the lovely memories. I just have one last thing to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Can you not tell anybody about the trail at school?"

Jaehyun nods at me. "I can do that."

"Thank you."

Jaehyun and I give each other one last hug before he walks away and I go inside. I shut the door behind me and lean up against it. I knew that Jaehyun and I wouldn't have made it pass high school, but I really cared for him. I feel like the last piece of my heart has been ripped out, thrown on the ground and stomped on.

I wipe away a tear that fell from my brown eye. I try my hardest to suppress the strong feeling of needing to cry over Jaehyun and grab a bowl of cereal. I sit at the breakfast bar and I slowly eat the cereal I poured.

Taeyong and Jisung come downstairs goofing around, but all of that stops when they see me.

"What's wrong?" Jisung asks.

I think about lying to them completely and tell them nothing is wrong, but both of them will call me out on my lie.

"Jaehyun and I just broke up," I say.

Taeyong and my brother come over to me and give me a hug. "Was it because of your face?" Taeyong asks, trying to sound funny.

"Taeyong, is this really the time to kick me while I'm down?" I ask him.

"No, I'm sorry." Taeyong rests his head on top of mine.

They continue to hug me for a bit longer. They let go and begin to make their own breakfasts. I finish mine and go up to the bathroom. I cover up all of the bruises that I can, except for the black eye and fat lip. I brush my teeth, grab my bag and go downstairs. I see Doyoung waiting by the door for all of us.

"Good morning," he chirps.

I wave to him and slip on my shoes. I try to leave the house but he stops me. "Is there something wrong?"

Several things are wrong right now in my life.

"Jaehyun just broke up with me," I answer.

Doyoung honestly looks concerned for me. "Why did he break up with you?"

"Because I lied to him since the beginning of our relationship and he couldn't handle all the baggage I come with," I answer. "I don't blame him though, we aren't out of high school and I never expected us to get married."

"But, it still hurts doesn't it?"

I feel the tears return, but I push them away as I nod at Doyoung. "I'm going to go now." I open the door and leave. I hear the door open and close behind me, so I turn around. "I thought you were waiting for Taeyong?"

"I decided that I'm going to buy you a coffee and pastry, if you want one, to try and cheer you up. I'm sorry you and Jaehyun broke, but you still have Taeyong, Jisung and I."

I smile and nod to him. The two of us begin to walk to the coffee shop in silence. I stare down at the ground as I just let it sink in that Jaehyun and I really broke up. School is going to be really tough because everyone is going to find out today.

Doyoung opens the door and I walk in. Doyoung and I go over to the counter. As we walk over, I can see some people looking at me — probably because of my face. I look down to hide my face from everyone's view, I grab ahold of Doyoung's shirt and he guides me the rest of the way to the counter.

"What do you want?" Doyoung asks me.

"My usual," I answer.

"Do you want a danish as well?"


Doyoung orders everything, pays and hands me my drink and a brown paper bag. We exit the cafe and begin to walk down the street. I sip away at my iced coffee as Doyoung and I walk to school. I haven't walked to school in probably months because I like taking the bus.

"Thanks for the coffee and danish," I say.

"No problem." Doyoung smiles at me. I return his smile and take out my danish. I begin to eat the pastry and hand the bag over to Doyoung, since he also bought a pastry from the cafe.

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