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Taeyong watches as Doyoung walks away. After a few seconds pass, he pulls out his phone and dials for the police.

"Police, what's the emergancy?"

"A friend of mine is about to be abused by her father on Dongwon street," he says.

"What's the house number?"

"One hundred twenty-three. Can you please hurry? Because she's already injured from the previous night and I can tell by the way she kicked me out of the house that she's in big trouble."

"We already have despatched a unit to the address you've given us."


"Can you tell me a little about the father-daughter relationship?"

Taeyong sighs as he thinks about it. "It's very complicated. Throughout her childhood she would be beat for silly things, but the beating weren't serve. Everything got worse when conflict started to happen between her parents and one night when everything got to be too much for her mom, she bounced. Since the age of ten, It has just been her, her dad and younger brother. Her dad turned his abuse and anger to Jisoo, the daughter. I believe that this time it won't end in bruises and scrapes like the times before."

"Why are you just reporting this now?"

"Because I have gotten tired of Jisoo telling me not to involve the police because she has a handle on this."

"How long have you and Jisoo been friends?"

Taeyong tries to come up with an answer. "Since we were like six or something like that? It has been a long time," Taeyong says. "Are the police at her house yet?"

"They're almost there," the dispatcher says. "Are you currently at or around her house?"

"I'm down the street at the bus stop."

"I'm going to send a cruiser to pick you up and bring you back to the station."

"I can just take the bus down."

"It's better if you get in the cruiser."

Taeyong rolls his eyes and agrees with the dispatcher. Soon the dispatcher informs him that the police are at the scene. Taeyong heart drops at those words, he finally helped his best friend out of that awful life, but all he can hope for now is that the police aren't too late. Soon the cruiser arrives to take Taeyong back to the station and he hangs up on the dispatcher when he gets into the cruiser.

The police drives him all the way back to the station. Taeyong waits in the station for Jisoo to arrive. When she finally walks in through the door of the station, Taeyong stands up. Her brown eyes glare at Taeyong. "I do not want to see you right now, or probably ever," she states. "I hate you so much."

Jisoo's words kind of hurt Taeyong, but he knows that she doesn't mean any of them. She's just upset that Taeyong involved the police. "I'll see you in a few hour, Jisoo," he says.

"I won't call for you, so don't get your hopes up," she hisses. The detective by her starts to guide her away from him.

"She'll call for me," Taeyong mumble under his breath.

A detective walks up to the high school student and tells Taeyong to follow him to the interrogation room. Taeyong obeys, follows the detective back to a room and they begin to have a discussion about what Taeyong knows about the abuse case.

Taeyong goes over everything he told the dispatcher on the phone and adds a few more details to his earlier statement. By the time Taeyong is done going over everything, it's around lunchtime and Jisoo finally asks to see him.

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