chapter 4

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Cains POV

Anger boiled in this human vessel. That...that CHILD! The gull to say such a thing. She wants me to follow her and yet she hasn't been around long enough to see what really happens to pure wolves. I can't count how many times my human was killed just because of who I was. I couldn't hold it in. Anger swelled in me as I trained my sights on a large oak tree close to the clearings edge. With a loud battle cry I embedded my fist into the tree. Pulling it out I felt the human shutter in agony. I forgot, he feels the pain still. Daily he fights for dominance but he was never a strong human. He wasn't omega but he sure wasn't an alpha. Looking at my fist I saw what he found painful. Splinters of wood were also embedded into my hand.

"Did the tree do some crime against you?" Tye walked out with a large hunk of meat.

"Was that from her kill?" the perfect wolf in there was a better hunter than I was, I would never admit that to her but it made me more angry at the thought of the pup in there getting all the glory.

"Does it really matter? Food is food, and last I checked, someone being a good hunter doesn't mean you blow up and pick a fight with a tree." I jabbed my hand toward the worn down building.

"She has a mate, Tiberius! A Mate! And she wants to complain about how her life wasn't easy? At least she has a mate. My human loved a woman before I came into the picture and I tore that away from him! Everyday I suffer the pain from heartbreak as if she were my mate." My words came out in a flood of anger and hatred.

"Does that make her any less right that you were harsh on her? You were out-hunted by a pup, I get the anger and pain. The first time Mouse went out and caught a deer he had caught a larger one than me and I was angered, his body was too small to even carry the beast, but I got over it," Tye tried to convince me I was in the wrong. I shook my head.

"But he had gone through so much more that...that pup will ever go though."

"But you're trying to say she had no hardships. That child," He pointed back at the building as he shoved the leg into my chest, "Left her home to save your ass. She left her mate so you could find yours again. She risked her own mate hating her for the rest of her life so you and your human could coexist without him becoming mouse! Quit pitying yourself. We are all in the same boat. She isn't here for herself, and nothing she has done was for herself other than try to prove to your sorry ass that she is worth your trust, worth your time, and worth your loyalty.

"If you want to continue and make your life, yet another living hell-not just for you but for all of us, then count me out of your pity parties. I have seen you, and all those men in there, die more deaths than I would care to count and I would rather have this human fall in love again then die at the hands of a cruel curse. Which is your fault, by the way. So you can sit here in bitter anger and hatred toward a child, or you can wolf up and try to learn what respect, honor and loyalty means again. I sure as hell want to but we can't be saved if one of us doesn't want to. Let that sink in."

"You don't think I know that? Brother I wish I could just drop every wall and trust that child, but the last time any of us did that we were slaughtered and found a new wolf. Remember Obadiah? Yeah, he went to a pure blood and was slaughtered on their own territory, now he resides in that frail body of a Mouse in there. He doesn't remember that, and he went back to the same territory and almost got himself killed again!" Tye faced me his eyes changing slightly, to my surprise.

"He survived because of her!" His words were louder than before and were not his own. Was his human showing? Was Tiberius starting to lose control of the human shell he was in?

"Right he is. My desires are many and my cry is pitiful, but ever didst thou save me by hard refusals; and this strong mercy has been wrought into my life through and through. Day by day thou art making me worthy of the simple, great gifts that-"

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