Part 2

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They ate hungrily and watching them made me sick. I don't know how these wolves could live like this. They were all strong yet they waited for another wolf to bring back their prey.

"Are you wondering why we don't hunt ourselves?" I turned to see the man who named Mouse standing next to me, blood from the deer dripping from his mouth.

"Maybe just a little bit. You are all strong, you could have no problem hunting down a deer so why don't you?" He sits down next to me and I was surprised when he handed me a piece of the deer. It still had fur on the skin, but I was hungry too. I took a bite and chewed quickly.

"We cannot." As I look at him he looks away.

"As human as he may seem, he is still a wolf. I am the only one who has been able to move between wolf and man. He controls most but I am let out every once in a while. Here," The leader said as he came close to me. He tossed a hunk of meat at my feet. I kept my eyes on the ground.

"What is your name?" I hope my voice didn't show any Luna in it as I spoke. A growl left the leaders mouth.

"My humans name is Enoch. What is your name pup?" I looked up with slight anger. I didn't like how they called me a pup, as if I was nothing.

"My name is Lex," I answered.

"No, not your pet name, what is your real name?" He growled out.

"Ulrica, that is my wolf's name." I heard others stop eating when I spoke.

"She's the queen," I heard one say from a distance. I looked up at Enoch and I saw a smile play on his lips, but his eyes were full of anger.

"And what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I do not want your men and you killed anymore. You are not evil, you are not monsters, and I want to prove that." He laughed. A deep and echoing laugh. Then suddenly he stopped and looked me in the eye.

"What wolf kills it's alpha's family and isn't a monster?" His question shocked me. His human side doesn't know about it but his wolf knows what he had done.

"I don't believe you have to be a monster. I've read the old stories. There is a way to break the curse." He started to laugh as he threw his head back.

"What makes you think that I would ever fallow you? You're nothing but a child. A chew toy, just a little pup." I growled.

"I am not just a pup, and I hope you remember what respect looks like because I do believe being a Luna means you need to give it to me," I heard my wolf. I was no longer in control. I could see his smile etch on his face as he walked briskly up to were I now stood. A deep growl from my thought made him falter in his pace but he quickly adjusted and continued towards me. I heard deep growls come from behind us.

"You are no Luna here, you are not anything to me, and you never will." His voice was deep and anger laced his words.

"You would condemn these men to an eternity of insanity because you can't accept me as your Luna? You are a bigger fool then I thought. I knew this was going to be hard, but if you don't want my help then so be it." I tried to stop her, I tried to make he be silent but it was to no avail. I watched from the background and witnessed how his face went from humor to pure anger.

'I really hope you know how to fight,'

'Child, I was a Luna long before you were born and I have been through many battles, this one will be like all the rest.' I really hope he is right because he looked as if he was going to tear me to shreds.


Hey all! Sorry it took so long to get this to you. I have some wonderful news...I Just  got Married!!! Yeah, I know, crazy right?I also got a new job!!!  Well that should explain why I haven't had the chance to update the story, but I promise you I have been working on it. I also have some other stories that I am working on as well. I hope you guys don't mind waiting.

Thanks for being awesome and waiting. I will get the rest done, but I can't tell you by when. All I know is I am going to be working on this as much as I can. 

Love you all!

And remember




happy reading! :)

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