Chapter Three part one

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I am so sorry to all my fellow readers! I just moved into a new house and have been busy with so many things. I just turned my computer for writing on today! It's been too long I think. I know it might be short but I wanted you all to see it as soon as I could. Great ideas came to me other the period of time I wasn't writing so that helped a bit. happy reading!!


A deep howl came from the other side of the building as I woke to sun on my face. For a moment I thought I was alone again, long before I had a pack I called my own. I jumped up and stood ready to fight.

"Quick to fight my little Luna?" Tye from the night before looked up at me from the ground with a smile. I took a deep breath.

"Just forgot where I was for a moment. I lived alone for a good while. I just woke to the howl and thought I was back in time alone in the woods."

"Alone you may not be, forever protected you see. Mice and men will fight for thee." Mouse again, walking up to me. I could see with the light from the broken rafters, that Tye was right. Mouse looked almost to be my age. I wish I could have stopped this a long time ago.

'You were too young, there was no way I could have guided you to the black wolves and know your sanity would be intact.' I nodded my head. I understood what she said but still wished I could have kept them from being trapped in their own heads.

"But Cain, she's a good hunter. If we get more meat we wont have to worry about going out for a few days. She's lived on her own for a while so she does know how to hunt." I could hear one of the wolves trying to convince Cain to let me hunt.

"She's a child! I will not have a child hunting with us." His voice ecoed through the building. I walked over to them and watched carefully. One wrong move and Cain could get angry, again.

"How about you let me go with you and if you don't like how I am hunting you can send me back."

"Yeah, see just one extra hunter, or even better you could leave more of us here to watch each other. There is one here you know you want to keep an eye on more than most." The last bit was said in almost a whisper as he looked passed me and to Mouse who was catching dust, or at least trying to. A deep growl vibrated my chest, but it wasn't from me. It was from Cain. He knew he was out matched here as other wolves started to gather and agree that it would be a good idea.

"Fine but you have to stay and watch Mouse then. I will take the pup, Tye, and Emit. That is all." Then he turned to me and stuck his finger out as if he were scolding a child. "If you are lying about knowing how to hunt I will know. Trust is best made with truths not lies." I glowered at him but sighed knowing that he was right I just wished he would stop treating me like a pup, but he had trust issues.

Within fifteen minutes we were sifted and out the door. I looked at Tye and almost jumped. He was a full black wolf the last time I saw his wolf and now there was something different. Around his eyes I could see the fur changing. His paws too. Three of them were white and the other one was gray. I looked at the otehr wolf, Emit and his entire tail was white. With surprise I looked and saw that even Cain had a gray tint to his back side. There was hope after all for him. With one angry look from Cain though, I stopped focusing on the coats. We were on the hunt, focus had to be solely on food. I remembered hunting alone. It wasn't easy. I would get a few rabbits and maybe a small fox here and there but mostly field mice. Farmers better of loved me then.

It wasn't easy finding food though. Tye explained that they had lived here for three years now and the deer started to learn about six months ago that this was a dangerous place to stay. We traveled a good distance before we even got a whiff of anything big enough for the pack. 

Suddenly Cain stopped and perked his ears up, twitching them back and forth, listening. I followed suit and heard a ravens call. I had to keep my tail from swishing back and forth. Where there's ravens there is food. Out of no where a raven swooped down landing briefly on Cains head and back up leading us to what might be a bounty of food. With soft steps we followed the bird, careful not to make too much noise. I watched as the raven perched on a branch watching something in the distance. Focusing ahead I saw what it saw. Three large bucks and two does. Cain looked back at me and he seemed to be telling me to take the lead. I jerked my head to the left telling him I would go that direction. He huffed and directed the other wolves to circle the unsuspecting deer. I put my snout up in the air and took a whiff. All I could smell were deer, the wind was with us today. When we were all in position we looked to Cain, he was their pack leader after all. He got down low in the tall grass and started to almost crawl in. We all followed suit, then the hunt was on. With one glance to all of us Cain signaled for us to attack. And we did.


Did you know that raven are known to some cultures as "wolf birds" because they actually help wolves hunt. They will lead wolves to dead animals or alive ones because they like the scraps of meat left over. Just a fun fact there for you.

Sorry it's short but like I said before I wanted to get you guys whatever I had ready for you guys as soon as I could. Plus you know me, cliffhangers are my thing! LOL

Thanks for waiting and I hope you stick around because there is so much more to come!!

Comment: a fun fact about one of your favorite animals (who knows I might use it if it relates to wolves)


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Love you all!!! :)

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