New Client

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This is a short story inspired by The Maze Runners first sentence.


        He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale dusty air. With each step he took he could feel the pounding in his head intensify by one hundred percent. Everything around him seemed to be changing at a lightning pace. Pictures disappeared and staircases changed places. He stood there knowing all his work was washed away in an instant.

        All the time he put in all the love he gave, gone in just a sweep of a house. He felt a burning feeling come from his pocket, he quickly grabbed his wallet and flipped to his new information cards. Once he looked down at that card his heart sunk, he had to sit down or he would pass out. He fell to the ground and stared at the card pulling his knees to his chest.

        “I only needed one more day.” He said aloud with sadness while the house started to form more and more into shape. He dropped the card angry at his actions. Breaking the rules of developing feelings was his biggest mistake. He rested his head atop his knees, and took a deep breath looking up. He knew he had something to do and wanted to get it done and right this time. Once he stood up the house was now new. Making his way to the stairs, passing rowdy twin six year olds who couldn’t see him, he found his way to the room he knew belonged to her, his new client.

New ClientWhere stories live. Discover now