Part Seventeen: Quick Catch-Up

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So most of you guys told me before that you really liked my "Journal Excerpt" HTB update, so this one is kind of like that, except it will have extra bits added on as well!


Last weekend I spent a couple of nights in Dublin attending the Pride festival with my friends! For any of you who haven't yet been to Pride, you are really missing out. It was honestly one of the best weekends of my life, for a myriad of reasons. For one, whenever I go to Dublin I have an excellent time because I hardly ever see my friends up there, so we go a little nuts whenever we meet up. The festival itself is just all sorts of cool. All of Ireland's most famous drag queens were out in force, partying on one of the buses and then performing at the concert afterwards. I just love their names; things like Viagra Falls and Panti :D 

We all marched in the parade and my friend Ciaran, a photographer, got some quickly-becoming-famous shots. He got one of me while I wasn't paying attention, which has now become the Pensive Lesbian meme lol - picture on the side :D 

Friendly Hot Train Station Boy.

After Pride I had to get a bus to the centre of Dublin with a whole bunch of Meath supporters, because there was a match on and I guess they were all going. I was worried they might think I was one of them - how embarrassing - so I made it QUITE clear I wasn't interested by playing metal music on top volume.

Once I got to the bus station I had to get the tram out to the train station, and it was my FIRST TIME getting the tram by myself. A terrifying but ultimately rewarding experience, as I totally managed without embarrassing myself OR breaking the law.

(Here comes the interesting bit.)

I ended up sitting next to a really hot guy while I waited at the train station because there weren't any other seats, and after about twenty minutes he turned to me and said, "I've been wracking my brains trying to think of something interesting to say, but all I can come with is 'Hi, my name is *******',". Instantly, I was hooked.

I fell in love, my friends. One half hour conversation and now I'm ruined for any other boys who might ever chat me up, ever. How can anyone possibly beat that? ;_; 

To demonstrate the level of my obsession, here are my diary entries regarding Friendly Hot Train Station Boy since last Sunday.

Sunday, July 1st, 13:55

I probably won't tell anyone about him, they'd never believe me.

Monday, July 2nd, 11:02

I ended up putting on Facebook about Friendly Hot Train Station Boy, because I'm one of those people who can't stop themselves from doing stupid things.


*This* is why hot strangers shouldn't talk to people in train stations. You become scarily obsessed with them to the point that you fabricate whole relationships in your head.

My life has become the All Time Low song "A Daydream Away". Also just a little bit "My Body Is A Cage".

Le sigh.

But seriously. You don't just start a conversation like that ("wracking my brains," etc) if you're not gonna ask for a number. I mean what the hell? Has he never seen any movies ever? >.>

Friday, July 6th, 00:56

Discussed with my mom the best way to hunt down Friendly Hot Train Station Boy. Then once I find him I'll keep him in the basement and deprive him of human contact.

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