Day Seven - My Ex Boyfriend/Crush.

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Well you were my bestfriend before and your my bestfriend after.

  We were together for just over a month and during that time we had some amazing memories didn't we?

You thought horses talked to you and we got lost on a mud trail thanks to your bad navigating skills :L

I remember the day you asked me out and the day we broke up like they were both yesterday and i'm glad we decided to just be bestfriends instead because we're much better at that. I don't know what our situation would be like now if the people you class as friends hadn't of lied to you but the past is the past so lets leave it there shall we? :)

 We never really saw eye to eye for a few weeks after but we got over it and look where we are now, Like nothing ever happened. Your like my brother and i'm glad for that.

 You'll always be a goof but i can live with that :P

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