Chapter 11

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2 days later the desolation of Smaug was awash in smoke. The bodies of Elves, Dwarfs and Humans who had been lost were being burned on funeral pyres, while those of orcs, goblins and trolls were tossed into the earth-eater holes and set aflame in there.

In the mountain Thorin was holding meetings with Thranduil and Bard to arrange the distribution of wealth. Thorin sat at the head of the table, his injured foot propped up on a low stool, and nodded along as Balin took note of the requests.

"Balin," he interrupted, "I would like to put aside an amount to help with the rebuilding of Dale." He looked at Bard, "Nothing can make up for my words at the wall, or for the loss of life your people have endured. I can only hope that we can grow together and, once again, become a powerful force in commerce." He bowed his head to Bard.

"Thorin, son of Thrain, it would be my great privilege to work with you."

"Now, please pardon me, but I must tend to some other business. I trust that Balin can continue on..." he looked around the table to find everyone nodding to him.

He picked up a cane and hobbled from the room. In the hall on the way to his rooms he met up with his nephew. He embraced him, forehead to forehead, "Kili, how are you?"

Kili tried to smile, "I will be alright Uncle. I received a raven today and mother is on her way."

"I am glad of it, nephew."

"I've not been raised to be king."

Thorin smiled and threw his arm over his nephews' shoulders, "In all honesty Kili, I am hoping that you won't have to be."

Kili looked surprised. He cocked an eyebrow and said, "Oh?" He poked his uncle, "And who might be the lucky dam?" Kili knew exactly of whom he spoke.

"Never you mind, dwarfling," Thorin chuckled. "You will find out soon enough."

Thorin continued on to his rooms, where he sat at his table and composed a letter.


Please accept my heartfelt apologies for all of the sorrow I have caused you. I only hope that you can forgive me and allow me to make it up to you.

Your King,

Thorin II, son of Thrain.


The banging on his door invaded his dreams. He covered his head with a pillow, but the sounds were not silenced. He cracked an eye open and groaned, someone was pounding on his door. He rolled out of bed and covered himself with a robe.

He opened the door only to find a spitfire charging past him, a sheaf of paper held up high in her hand. "Âzyungel? What gives you the right to refer to me as Âzyungel?"

Thorin stood with his mouth agape as Danica stopped in the middle of his room and turned, a fist on her hip. She was shaking the paper.

"Too forward?" Thorin said with a smirk.

Danica stalked forward and rattled the paper under his nose. "Yes! You think you can treat me as you did and just expect me to come running?"

"You are here." Thorin put his hands on her shoulders.

She huffed and shrugged his hands from her. "You can take your damn letter and put it where-"

"Ah, ah, ah," Thorin said, tapping her nose. "No nastiness."

She glared at him. He smiled at her.

"Come now, Danica. Can't we be friends?"

"Friends do not call friends Âzyungel."





Thorin raised an eyebrow and growled, "Umral?"

Danica crossed her arms across her chest and huffed again.

"C' like me. You know you do." Thorin took a step forward. He reached out a hand toward her hair.

"Whoa there!" Danica wagged a finger in his face, "You don't get to touch my hair!"

Thorin looked at her askance. He thought he noticed stubble on her chin, "Are you growing your beard?"

Keeping her hands under her armpits she looked anywhere but at Thorin, "Dain told me I could."

"Then I will make a deal with you."

She looked at him when he didn't continue, "Go on...what kind of deal?"

"Let me make it up to you and then decide how you feel on your Margu Zantith."

Danica nodded, unsure of how she felt. She knew she was still attracted to Thorin and had to admit that this Thorin was much more appealing than gold-fever Thorin. However, she had been alone most of her life. She was currently enjoying spending time with other dwarfs, learning about their way of life and such, but she was not sure if she would not soon get tired of being around them.


Âzyungel - Love of all loves

Khajmel - Gift of all gifts

Lukhudel - Light of all lights

Umral - Lover

Danica StormfighterWhere stories live. Discover now