Chapter 9

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Thorin swept from the throne room and made his way to the ramparts. Before his eyes was a sea of gold; the army of Thranduil Greenleaf. He smirked, confident in the coming of his cousin. The elven army parted, making way for Thranduil and Bard.

The other dwarfs joined their king at the rampart. Thorin took aim with his bow and let loose an arrow, it hit its mark in front of the hoof of Thranduil's Elk. "The next one will be between your eyes!" Thorin shouted.

Thranduil made a small gesture and immediately his soldiers had their bows aimed and arrows drawn. The dwarfs ducked behind the wall, all except Thorin and Danica. Thranduil made another gesture and, just as quickly, the elves' arrows were stowed.

Thranduil spoke clearly, "We have come to tell you that payment of your debt has been offered, and accepted."

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing!"

Bard took the Arkenstone from his coat and held it aloft, "We have this."

Danica looked at Bilbo, shook her head, and mouthed "Oh Bilbo, no."

The dwarfs all looked stunned. Kili said, "They have the Arkenstone! Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the King under the Mountain!"

Bard replied, "The king may have it; with our good will," he put the stone back in his pocket. "But first, he must honour his word."

Thorin muttered, "They are taking us for fools. It is a ruse; a filthy lie." He shouted over the rampart, "The Arkenstone is in this mountain. It is a trick!"

Danica made a grab for Bilbo as he stepped forward, "It is no trick. The stone is real; I gave it to them."

Thorin turned to Bilbo, "You?"

Bilbo shook as he explained, "I took it as my fourteenth share."

Thorin had tears in his eyes as he said, "You would steal from me?"

Bilbo shook his head and made to speak, when Danica stepped forward and said, "I did it." She took a deep breath, "I was working alone in the treasury when I found it."

"Danica, No!" Bilbo shouted, but not in time.

Thorin backhanded the dam causing the dwarfs to gasp. Fili rushed forward to hold back Thorin's arm as he made to slap her again. "Uncle! Stop!" The remaining members of the company shuffled Danica down the row of them, far from their king.

Balin stepped forward, "Thorin, what are you doing? This is not right!"

"She has stolen the Arkenstone! She-" Thorin choked, overcome by emotion. He thought she could be his one, but how could that be if she would do such a thing? "She does not belong with us. I should never have gone against Gror's judgement." He hung his head; when he raised it to the company again, it was set, his mouth a grim line. "Get that woman out of here!"

He turned back to Bard and Thranduil to find Gandalf with them. "Wizard! Have you come to see what your meddling has wrought? Behold!" He spread his arms wide.

"Thorin, son of Thrain, you are not making a very good impression as King under the Mountain."

"Mithrandir, this no longer concerns you," Thranduil droned. "Kindly leave this to Elves, Dwarfs and Men."

As they spoke, Bofur had tied a rope off on the rampart and hustled Danica over the edge. As she scrambled down the rope, Bilbo followed after her.

They ran to Gandalf, who was calling up to Thorin, "An army of Orcs is making its way here, we will certainly be outnumbered."

"Enough Wizard!" Thranduil shouted. "What is your answer Thorin? Will you settle with us or will it be war?"

Thorin paced back and forth, awaiting on confirmation of his cousin.

Below, Gandalf hurried Danica and Bilbo to stand behind him. They both refused choosing, instead, to stand beside him.

The call of a bird breeched the silence and they all looked up to see a raven soar in and land on Thorin's outstretched arm. He leant forward and hissed loudly, "I will have war!"

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