Chapter 6

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Having spent many years alone, Danica was very logical. She had to be in order to be able to prepare her camp and supplies. She was determined to be useful in whatever capacity was assigned to her. She was quickly put on the search for the Arkenstone. Fili and Kili took her under their collective wing, staying away from most of the older dwarfs, who still had a problem with her being there.

Fili and Kili lead her away to start searching. Many of the older dwarfs were not willing to associate with her. Not long after she started searching the treasury she became frustrated by the process, there was no rhyme nor reason it. Dwarfs were tramping through the massive piles, often tossing bits of gold straight into another's path.

She approached Thorin and Balin with a plan. "Excuse me." Balin turned to her with a smile, while Thorin threw her a baleful glance. "If we continue looking in this way, we will never find the stone."

"And what do you suggest?" Thorin growled.

Danica raised her brows and shook her head ever so slightly, "I would suggest breaking the search into thirds. You have empty space under the stairs and balconies," she became animated as she explained her plan; she was pointing with enthusiasm. "You should have 3 dwarf teams; we will create covers with slots in them, 1 dwarf will shovel treasure into the trough, all small gems and coins will fall through the trough into a wheelbarrow; 1 dwarf will go through anything that doesn't go through the slats and the remaining dwarf will take the wheelbarrow to the empty parts of the treasury. That way it will be sorted and moved out of the way."

Balin stood beside Thorin, his chest puffed out like a proud father. "The lass has a point. It would be much more efficient."

Thorin huffed, annoyed that she would come up with a system that quickly. "Well, I suppose Bilbo was right..." reluctantly, he grinned, " are smart. Balin, get Bofur and Bifur started on making troughs-"

"Mind they fit properly over the wheelbarrows!" Danica took Balin by the elbow and explained how they should be made.

Thorin stood, mouth agape, watching as the two walked away.


The next day Danica was making her way to the treasury when she noticed the dwarfs arranged along the ramparts. She took a spot beside Bilbo and gasped as she saw people entering Dale.

"They must be from Laketown," Bofur said.

"We must help them," Danica suggested as she turned and made her way to the gate.

"No!" shouted Thorin. "We must build a wall. Dwalin, gather everyone, have them start right away."

"But Thorin, those people have lost their home. They are cold and injured. We-"

"We? We?" He shouted at her. "Who are you to say 'we'? You are no one. You are an outcast!"

Danica bowed her head, "Forgive me, majesty. I spoke out of turn."

Bilbo hissed beside her, "No you didn't." He turned to Thorin, "We should be helping them."

"Bilbo, it is not my place to question the king."

"Even when the king is wrong?"

"Master Baggins," Thorin replied. "You are free to leave whenever you wish." He gestured widely with his arm. "Now, if you like."

Danica took Bilbo by the arm and dragged him away. "C'mon Bilbo, let's leave them to their wall."

Fili and Kili stood glancing back and forth at each other as they watched them leave. They were concerned for their uncle. He was becoming more obsessed with gold and less reasonable. They trusted that Danica would be good for the dwarfs and could provide much guidance to their uncle if he would let her.

Balin approached them, "Well, lads. We'd better get to work."

Fili asked, "Balin, do you think he will ever get better?"

Balin shook his head sadly, "We can only hope, lads."


Back at Bilbo's room he paced back and forth. Danica watched him from the bed to the fireplace and back again.

"Has he always been like that?"

Bilbo stopped, "Like what?"


Bilbo snorted, "Curmudgeonly? Yes. Downright thoughtless? No." He sat beside her, "That is since we entered the mountain. As soon as we entered he started to change. He has become obsessed with his gold and especially obsessed with finding the Arkenstone!"

"The Arkenstone is legend. It has been a symbol of the kings of Erebor for a long time. It is only with that jewel that Thorin could rouse the other Dwarven holds to follow him."

"Can you keep a secret?" Bilbo whispered.

Danica nodded. Bilbo crossed to the fireplace and removed the Arkenstone from its resting place. He put the cloth down beside Danica and opened it.

Danica's hands shot to her mouth. She groaned and whispered, "Oh" She reached her hand toward the stone, stopping inches away. "Bilbo, you must give it to him."

Bilbo shook his head, "I cannot. I asked Balin if it would help with the sickness; he thinks it might make it worse."

"Worse or not, it is the king's jewel." She grabbed Bilbo's hands, "You must!"

"No, Danica. And you mustn't tell anyone that I have it!"

Danica StormfighterWhere stories live. Discover now