Chapter 6

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A couple days later, Avalon was sitting on the couch watching TV while she ate lunch.  Her cell phone started buzzing on the kitchen counter.  She quickly muted the TV and hurried over to her phone, swallowing a mouthful of chicken soup on the way.

She flipped open the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi Avalon.  It's Kris."

"Hi Kris.  What's up?"

"I just got a call about a case."

"You did!?  Where is it?  Do you need help with research?"

Kris laughed, "Someone's an eager beaver."

"Sorry." Avalon sounded sheepish, "I'm just excited about finally getting to do an investigation with you guys."

"That's fine.  And about needing help with the research...  I think I'll be okay."

"Oh.  Okay."

"I know you're disappointed, but there's no point in having you come down here when you don't need to."

"Yeah.  I guess my paying job is a little more important." Avalon chuckled.

Kris laughed, "Just come down to the office tomorrow at two 'o' clock  to help us pack."

"You still didn't say where we're going."

"It's a surprise."

"Well, fine." Avalon teased.

Kris laughed softly, "See you tomorrow."



The next afternoon, Avalon parked in front of the TAPS building and saw that the others were just starting to bring stuff out.  Tango spotted her and waved her over.  She made her way across to the van, where Steve and Tango were loading equipment into the back.

"Hey guys.  Need some help?" Avalon smiled.

Steve turned his head, "You could go inside and grab one of the camera cases."

"Alright." she turned and went inside.

There were about five equipment cases sitting in the main room.  Avalon picked up two and started to lug them out the door.

Man these are heavy!

She managed to make it out the door and tried to keep the cases from dragging the pavement as she walked across the parking lot.

"Whoa, Avalon." Tango's eyes widened when he saw the young woman, "Steve said you just had to bring one."

"I know." she puffed, "But I was trying to be useful."

Just then, Steve got out of the van, "Here, let me take those."

He took both cases from her and lifted them into the van with ease.

"Thanks." Avalon smiled.

Tango's face twitched, then he put on a smile, "I'll go get more of the cases."

He left and Avalon began looking around the inside of the van, "This is pretty handy for when you can't set up inside isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

"I'm really looking forward to investigating tonight."

"I'm looking forward to investigating with you." Steve winked.

Avalon smiled and blushed.

A loud throat clearing came from behind them and they turned to see Tango holding two more cases, "Aren't we supposed to be packing?"

"Relax, Tango.  We have time." Steve said leisurely and took the cases from him.

Avalon watched Tango stalk back inside.

What's his problem?

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