Chapter 5

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"Just keep your eye in the upper right hand corner." Tango coached as he played a video clip.

Avalon's eyes widened and she leaned forward when she saw a human-like shadow zoom across the corner of the screen.

"Whoa!  That's cool.  My group never got anything that good." she looked awed, "Of course, our equipment wasn't as good."

"Well, we've got pretty high def equipment." Tango smiled.

"Yeah.  I was just down in the basement watching Steve work on some of it."

"Did he quiz you on it?"

"Well, he was about to just explain how things worked, but I told him that I already knew.  So he asked me to explain what each piece of equipment does."

"How did you do?"

"According to Steve, I did very well.  Except I forgot about the DVR."

"That's pretty good for a beginner." Tango smiled.

"I'm not exactly a beginner." Avalon smirked a little, "I did have my own group for two years."

"Well, Excuse me." he laughed softly.

"You are forgiven." she chuckled.

He stopped laughing, "But seriously, you will learn a lot more about paranormal investigating being a part of TAPS then you would otherwise.  I know I've learned a lot more since I left my little group."

"Oh, I definitely expect to learn things.  I just didn't want to be thought of as a complete newbie."

"I didn't think of you that way." he smiled softly.

Avalon smiled back and blushed slightly.

Seriously!  That was nothing to blush about!  What am I doing!?

Suddenly she thought of something and decided to break the awkward silence.

"Hey!" she snapped her fingers, "I just thought of something."

"Oh yeah?" Tango looked curious, "What?"

"Steve didn't have a thermometer on that table.  But if there had been one, I would have been able to name it too."

Lame.  But at least it broke the awkward silence.

Tango looked slightly amused, while Avalon felt very awkward and tapped her foot quietly.

"Well..." the young woman got out of her chair, "I think I may as well go home and not bother anyone anymore."

Tango stood up as well, "You're not bothering me."

"But you have to work and I don't have anything to do.  So I'm just in the way."

"You're not in the way." the young man shrugged.

"It's alright." Avalon smiled, "I should get home and feed Jack anyway."

"Jack?" he raised his eyebrows.

"My cat."

His face lit up, "You're a cat person?"

"Yeah." she smiled, "Are you?"

"Definitely.  My cat's name is Gary."

"That's a cool name." she gave a lopsided smile.

"Jack is a cool name too." he smiled.

"Thanks." she smiled again and left the room.

She made her way across the main room, to the biggest office and knocked on the wall, "Grant?"

"Yes?" he looked up from his laptop.

She leaned on the door frame, "I'm gonna head out now."

"Okay.  We'll see you later." he said pleasantly.

She smiled and nodded, 'Bye."

After walking out of the building and getting into her car, she drove home.  Upon entering the apartment, she was greeted by Jack, who came running over to weave all around her legs.

"Hi, Jack." Avalon spoke in a higher soft voice.

The cat meowed and put his feet up on his owner.

The young woman leaned down and patted his head, "What a sweet boy."

The cat started purring.

"Did you know that I'm an official member of TAPS now?" Avalon continued speaking to the cat, "I even share an office with Kris."

Jack meowed as if he understood her.

"No, you can't come with me next time.  Sorry."

He meowed again.

"You can't come on any investigations either."

The cat turned around and walked away.  Avalon laughed and went into the kitchen.

I wonder when I'll get to go on an investigation?

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