Chapter 6

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Y/N's POV (Still):

"Y/N! Your alright! Oh I was so worried about you.." Zane sounds so happy. "Thanks for caring about me, Zane." I almost start crying, but Zane whips away my tears. Zane gives me a hug, but as soon as he wraps his arms around me, I suddenly feel better. All the pain in my body goes away, everything starts looking up. But I may feel better physically, I still feel sad. Not because Garroth hit me, not because I'm relieved, but because of what mom said. 'I didn't want to hurt her.. But her dad did.' Her words echo through my mind, then I start crying. I cry so much that Zane starts to look really worried. "Y-Y/N.. What's wrong?" Zane starts to rub my neck, "My dad didn't love me.. He didn't care about me.. He wanted me dead. I-I want to know why. Why he disliked me so much. Why I am such am disappointment." I say in between tears. "Y/N.. Your father didn't like you because you were different. He was being selfish. He wanted totally normal kids. B-But what he didn't understand was that everyone is different, that everyone has flaws." Mom started to look at me with a worried look on her face.

"M-Mom it doesn't hurt now, C-Can we please go home, or to Zane's house? I-I just want to be with Zane right now, no one else." I start to blush and Zane starts to blush too. Mom and Zianna whisper things to each other and then Zianna speaks up, "Y/N, if you would like you can spend the night at our house. But our couch is taken already because Laurance is spending the night too, so you would have to sleep in Zane's room, I'll set up an extra mattress in there." I nod and say I would love to spend the night, we drove to my house to get my clothes for tomorrow, it's a monday so we have school tomorrow. I get my Pajamas, my school uniform, and some clothes for tomorrow. I also change out of my bloody clothes I was still wearing, I put on a F/C sweater dress. I put my bloody clothes into the wash and walk out to Zane's car with my backpack full of stuff. I sit next to Zane, buckle up and then put my head on Zane's shoulder. Zane doesn't mind of course, he just blushes a little. Zianna starts to drive off, and then starts to talk..

"Aw Zane you and Y/N are so cute together! Can you guys kiss?!?!" Me and Zane blush like mad mans, "Mom?! Why right now?!" Zane does a cute voice crack, it makes me giggle a bit. "GROSS!" Vlyad is sitting right next to me, so he doesn't wanna see us kiss.  "Zuzu, why not? I like it when you kiss me~." I say in a cute voice, Zane leans towards me and we kiss, only for a second though. "CUTE!!" Zianna yells, Garroth lets out a small sigh. "Heuhuehue! I got pictures! I'm gonna send them to Kawaii~Chan." Vlyad starts to send them to Kawaii~Chan, "Irene, can we not kiss once without someone taking a picture of us?" Zane rolls his eyes, or eye, since he has one eye covered. Soon enough we get to Zane's house, we all walk in to see Laurance talking to Gareth. "Oh finally, you guys are here.." Laurance stops talking because he noticed my beat up face. "...Y/N?! What happened to you?!"

I let out a sigh, then I whisper in Zane's ear. "I really don't want to tell him, can you tell him please?" I whisper-yell to Zane. "Fine I will, just go upstairs and rest cupcake." Zane whispers back to me. I walk upstairs with my bag and then realize I forgot to bring a blanket, oh boy. Zane soon walks upstairs and sits next to me on his bed. "Hey Zane, do you guys have a extra blanket? I forgot mine." Zane looks worried, "Sorry cupcake, we don't. I would give you mine but I only use one blanket..." Zane sighs, "C-Can I sleep with Y-You tonight?" I ask Zane. "Of course you can, cupcake." I blush when he called me cupcake, that is such a cute nickname he uses for me! Soon enough we get in bed and drift of to sleep, Zane cuddles with me a little.. 

??? POV:

I slowly open Zane's bedroom door to see Zane sleeping with Y/N, I take a picture and then post it to Twitter so everyone can see Zane cuddling with that little slut. (UGH ROOD) 



I wake up to see an empty spot next to me, so Zane must have gone downstairs. I hear someone yelling downstairs.. But I can't tell who.. So I brush my hair and then walk downstairs, I see Zane yelling at Garroth. "Guys! Stop fighting!" I yell. "Oh look, it's the little slut herself." Garroth's words hurt me a little.. "Garroth!! She's not a slut!" What is this all about?! "Y/N.. Did you see what Garroth posted on Twitter about you...?" I let out a small sigh, "No?! What did he post!?" Zane shows me his phone, and I look at the photo. It has the caption: 'Look what slut I found sleeping with Zane! Such a looser!' I start to cry a bit when I see all the comments and reply's.. They all think I am a slut. "G-Garroth.. Why did you have to post this.. I-I'm not a slut.. and we didn't do anything.." I say in between cries. Zianna walks downstairs with a really mad look on her face. "GARROTH! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT ABOUT Y/N!!" Garroth starts to laugh, "But it's true mom!" I cry some more, "Zane, no way am I going to school today.. W-Will you stay home with me..? Please..?" Zane gives me a small kiss on the cheek. "Of course I will, don't cry cupcake.. Don't cry.."

~*~Authors Note~*~

Oh my Irene so much drama! Hope you guys enjoyed this super drama filled chapter! I loved writing it! Also Garroth is so rude.. And I am so excited for the next chapter so just a little hint on whats going to happen: Garrance is gonna sail!!! See ya later, my wonderful readers!


(-Word Count: 1087-)

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