Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV (cause it's easy 😜):

Before Zane or (Y/N) could even say another word they heard the door burst open, and they hear a man talking to (Y/N)'s mom. "I'll be right back, Zane." (Y/N) tells Zane as she walks out her door and down the stairs. "Mom?! Who is this?!" (Y/N) exclaims.

(Warning! Drama alert!)

(Y/N)'s POV:
Mom looks shocked at the fact I was home.. "This is a g-guy I met at t-the b-bar!" Oh great, my mom's drunk. I quickly run upstairs to tell Zane. "Zane! My mom is drunk and she brought a man home with her!" I tell him as I burst though my door. "Oh wow, wanna go to my house instead?" "Uh duh! Of course I do! You're brother Garroth won't mind right?" Zane has that face like he's gonna lie.. "Nah he won't care.." ..And there's the lie. We get all of our stuff and get the hell out of my house, my mom's crazy when she's drunk.

Zane's POV:
Once me and (Y/N) got to my house I knocked on the door waiting for one of the boys to answer, of course Garroth answers.. "Baby brother! And (Y/N)? Why is she here baby brother..?" Garroth looks like he's gonna kill me. "U-Uh we are a thing now!" (Y/N) buts in. "Oh really?! I need to tell Aphmau and the others!" Garroth says as he starts texting everyone.

-+Group text with everyone in it+-
Gar: Guys! (Y/N) and Zane are dating!!


Zane: Garroth me and Y/N could of said that ourselves..


Travis: Dang it Zane you took my girl

Y/N: Excuse me?! Travis I literally HATE you!

Travis: 😘

+-End of Texting-+

(Y/N)'s POV:

Ugh, Great now EVERYONE knows we are a thing! Whatever, but at least I can say one thing, 'The Emo Loves Me...' I am so happy just to be able to say those words. Me and Zane sit on his couch and just start talking. "So.. W-What do couples do..?" Zane awkwardly asks me. "I dunno, lots of things.. They kiss?" I reply and start blushing, "Hey, how about we go on a date tomorrow? Or at least spend the day together?" Zane asks. "Sure! Ooh maybe we can invite our families to the mall?! So then you can meet my Family and I can meet yours!" Zane just looks at me and starts blushing, "Sure."

-*-Time Skip: The Next Day-*-

(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up, the time is 9:32. Oh shoot, I told Zane we would meet at 11:00, looks like I only about an hour and a half before I need to go. I walk downstairs to see Gene making bacon and eggs, "Hey 'lil sis!" Gene says as he places a plate for me on the table. "Morning Gene, morning Mom." I say as I walk over to the table and sit down. "Morning hun!" My mom says all happy. "Hey mom, so today I was wondering if you wanted to meet my boyfriend, Zane. We are going to the Mall and his family is coming too." Mom and Gene look shocked. "YOU ARE DATING SOMEONE!?!?" My Mom is so excited / shocked. "Yes, I am. Have a problem with that?" Mom shakes her head. "Wait, (Y/N), of all the people you can date you chose Zane?! That little Emo dweeb!" I am shocked at what Gene just called him. "Yes! And he isn't a emo dweeb! He just likes the color black, that's all!" Mom looks like she is going to explode. "Oh yeah and Gene you're coming too. Be ready by 11." I tell him as he gets my plate and puts the food on it, we all finish eating and then head our separate ways. I walk into my room and look for an outfit to wear. I chose a F/C T-Shirt and S/F/C shorts with some white converse (or any type of shoe). I look at the time, it's 11:49. I rush downstairs to see Gene and my mom already dressed and waiting for me. "Sorry I took so long, let's go!" I tell them as we walk out the door and into the car, as we head off my mom starts up a conversation, "So (Y/N).. This boyfriend of yours.. Is he cute?!" I start blushing, "Y-Yeah, his dark black hair, light blue heaven - like eyes.. He's the cutest human being I've ever met.." I ramble on. "Awe cute! Have you to kissed before!?!?" Mom asks totally anxious. "Yeah once, we were playing Truth or Dare and we where dared to kiss." I answer. Mom is going to explode and Gene is gonna die because he HATES Zane. We pull up to the parking lot and we all get out. I see Zane and his brothers and two adults I am guessing are his parents. I run up to Zane and give him a big hug, while mom and Gene walk over. "Hey Zane!" I say as I let go of him. "Hey!" Zane responds. "So, (Y/N) this is my mom, Zianna, and my dad, Gareth. And I think you've met my brothers Garroth and Vlyad." Zane introduces me. "Hi Y/N. Great to meet you!" Zianna excitedly says. "Hi! So this is my mom. Her name is (Moms name.) And Zane you already know my brother Gene." My brother rolls his eyes. "Hello Zane! Pleased to meet you. (Y/N) was telling me how cute you were on the way here!" My mom tells him. "M-Mom!!" Me and Zane blush so much we almost faint. "Awe my little ZuZu did the same thing! He was telling me how pretty and funny (Y/N) is!" Zianna exclaims. "Mom!! Why would you tell her that!?" Zane is so cute when he's mad~. "Aw did you really?" Zane blushes so much. "Yeah.." Zane looks so freaking cute right now, he's just so adorable when he blushes! "Can we just get shopping already?!" Gene just has to ruin this! "Of course we can! Let's go to StarBucks. My treat." Zianna is such a sweet lady, and hey I get a free coffee!

As we start walking Vlyad starts up a conversation, "Hey (Y/N), so on a scale of 1 to 10 how annoying is my brother Zane?" Vlyad asks me. "Uh.. What kind of a question is that? Zane's not annoying at all!" I answer him. "(Y/N), on a scale of 1 to 10 how cute am I?" Zane asks me while he blushes. "Oh well that's easy, 10,000." I say as I give Zane a small kiss on the cheek. "Can you guys like not make out right now?" Gene interrupts. "We weren't. I just kissed him on the cheek. Besides why would we make out right now?! We are in the mall!" I tell him. "Gene let them kiss, it's adorable!" My mom buts in, me and Zane blush like mad mans.

Soon enough we arrive at Starbucks and we all get in line. "Next!" I hear a very familiar person say, Laurance! We all walk up to the counter. "So what can I get you all toda- Garroth?!" Laurance seems so excited. "H-Hey." Garroth says. We all tell Laurance our orders and then we sit down. Me and Zane sit next to each other and hold hands as we stare at each other. "(Y/N), You look beautiful today." Zane compliments me. Gene, Vlyad and Garroth look like they are going to explode or puke. "Thanks, Zane. You are just so cute when you blush~. I tell him making him blush even more. "Stop flirting with my baby brother (Y/N)!" Garroth yells at me. "Don't yell at MY girl friend Garroth!" Zane yells back at him. "Guys stop fighting! Garroth, we are dating now. You'll just have to deal with it. We can flirt all we want!" I but in, this is getting way to awkward.. Our drinks finally come and we can start walking around again.

Zane's POV:

After like 30 minutes or drinks come. So we start to walk around the mall again. (Y/N)'s Mom walks over to me and starts to ask me questions. "Zane, how long have you known my little (Y/N)?" She asks me. "Uh ever since freshman year of High School." She seems very happy with my answer. "Oh great! So have you two ever had a make out session?!" Her question makes me so embarrassed.. "Oh I wish.. But no we haven't. Yet.." Ugh why did I say 'I wish!?' I am making my first impression go horribly! (Y/N)'s mother just giggles and walks over to (Y/N), Oh crap..

~•~•Authors Note•~•~
Hehe I love me some cliff hangers. And WOAH I uploaded?! Sorry for the wait guys, I've been pretty busy.. And hey my first long chapter of this book! Woo hoo! Also from now on I will be adding a Word Count at the end of every chapter, Cya Guys! 💖✌


-(Word Count: 1554-)

Mini Story; Zane X Reader: The Emo Loves Me.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now