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"From now on you'll always be mine no matter what ok?"

The man hugged the little girl tight against his chest. Not even noticing the wounds that both he and the girl had suffered. He didn't even seem to notice the fires raging around them, it was if they were stuck in here, in their own little 'separate' world.

"O-ok." The little girl said smiling up at the man. He towered over her even when crouching but despite his, what most would call ghastly looks she found quite handsome and amusing.

The man started crying as he swept the little girl up into his arms.

"Humans are such pathetic creatures," The man said bitterly whilst the girl watched him curiously, with her big round eyes.

"From now on we will not live in the realm of the humans, my little Cherie." The man continued looking into the flames with cold dead eyes.

"Tonight Cherie, we live among the Immortal. The Survivors. The ones who are never hurt by the foolish troubles of man..."

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