10 • Cranks and Cramps •

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Warning: I talk a bit about the female anatomy in this chapter.

Warning: I talk a bit about the female anatomy in this chapter

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The first hour of the drive consisted of me pretending to sleep with earphones plugged into my ears so that I could avoid talking to Ryan while he drove.

One can only fake sleep for so long; which was why I decided to fake wake up.

"You know, I could drive for the next hour if you're tired." I offered, trying to deepen my voice to a sleepy drawl. I plucked out an earpiece to hear his reply.

"Not even if my life depended on it. No one touches my baby except me,"

I wasn't that hurt.

"Men and their cars," I retort, putting the earphones back in and closing my eyes.

Another five minuites go by.

"I know you're awake,"

I don't move.

I hear him chuckle.

I resist the urge to scowl.

"Come on, let's play a game."

My ears perk up; not like a dog's.

"Would you rather never have your period, or never fall sick?"

I peel open an eyelid. "You know what a period is?"

"No Raymonds. I'm the only being on earth who's got a sister who doesn't become a hormonal pregnant woman once a month."

"I'm telling Stella you called her that,"

"Over my dead body."

"With-so much-pleasure, I could keel over and die."

"Then you'd be dead too, genius." he says rolling his eyes.

"At least I died in pleasure," I ramble, trying to save my sorry ass from his verbal assault.

"You have no idea what it's like to really die in pleasure," he smirks.

I pull out my earphones and make a face.

"Ew. What is wrong with your mind?" I pretentiously tap my chin; "Oh, wait I get it. You have no argument and therefore you resort to sexual innuendos, knowing that it makes me uncomfortable." I roll my eyes. "How pathetic,"

"It worked didn't it? Now, answer the question."

"Ugh, if you must know I'd rather never fall sick."

"Really, why?"

I gave him a long, long glance. "Do you really, really have to know?"

"Yes, now do I have to give you a drum roll, or are you going to start?"

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