05 • Finding Stella •

92 13 3

Dedicated to sakinabankoda99 for being such a positive influence and a huge support in my life! Love you <3


"I think the first place we should look is her room." I said as we sat cross-legged on top of my bed, contemplating. The room grew slightly darker as a cloud flurried past the sun, hiding it's light from us.

"Been there, done that." he replied. I was seriously considering hitting this arrogant attitude out of him, but I took a deep breath and mentally counted to five before answering him.

"Maybe you missed something." I worded out.

Then a I got up and went to my desk, pulling out my phone.

"So, I know she was at home until six." I drawled.

"Six?" he echoed, looking up.

"She sent me a message at six."

"How do you know she wasn't outside when she messaged you?"

"She doesn't have mobile data. She's yet to recharge her phone." I said, getting a little impatient since I had to explain everything to him.

"Oh, okay. C'mon then. Let's go over to my place." he replied, walking towards the door.

It didn't take much to convince Elisa to let me go over to Ryan's place. She was beaming from ear to ear the moment I said the words 'go' and 'out'. I had no doubt that my poor nerves would be put through a tremendously difficult questionnaire the moment I re-entered my home.

I was once again acquainted with Ryan's beautiful car, as we walked up to it. Hesitantly, I got into the driver's seat, but the comfort it provided, banished all thoughts of nervousness.

"So, who would want to kidnap her?" I asked, slightly curious as to why kidnapping would be first on his list. I mean, there still was a possibility that Stella had really gone on a trip with friends. Or that Stella was playing one of her mean pranks. She was a complicated woman.

"I don't know." was his curt reply.

Looks like the annoying and cold Ryan was back. And so I sighed and kept silent, turning to the more colourful and radiant world that lay outside my glass window.

Tall pines and humble homes sprinted past us, as we drove towards the more luxurious part of town. Large houses with lavishly decorated lawns and sparkling fountains made me feel like a stranger from mars as I gaped at my surroundings like a wondrous child. It captivated me more than Victor's village did. (*1)

I knew the Banks were rich, but this was unbelievable. Ironically, the Banks owned on of the largest finance houses in the world. Jade Enterprises, since Bank enterprises would sound really weird. Imagine naming a bank, after a Bank?

If all the other houses took my breath away, my lungs must have crumpled at the sight of the Banks estate. I wouldn't know, since my entire energy was spent concentrating on the scene before me.

A large gate barred our path, and the house that lay behind it was magnificent. It had dozens of windows, and had a lovely brown tiled roof that made me want to swoon. The cream coloured walls that had glass painted windows in various places gave the entire building an elegant aura of architectural brilliance. It even put President Snow's palace to shame. I gulped as we drove through the opened gates, slightly fearful of the whole set up.

Here we go.


"Are you planning to move from there?" I asked, my hands firmly placed on my hips, surveying the mess that Stella called her room. It looked just like a normal messy teenager's room with posters, wallpapers, the whole deal. The only difference is that Stella's room was ten times bigger.

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