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one [suicide watch]

you said you knew me,

but did you really?

did you know,

those thoughts that whirled,

through my mind,

one hundred miles an hour?

you said you loved me,

but you were known,

for your lies,

and if you did,

you would've loved,

my bathroom cabinet,

just like I did.

you said you were there for me,

but where were you?

not with me,

that's for sure.

you weren't there when,

i ran the bath,

grabbed the razor,

popped the pills,

and locked the doors.

and now you can't,

do any of them,


suicide watch sucks,

and suicide,


- m.h


dedicated to AuReviorSimone because no matter how many times i read anything she posts, i will still fall irrevocably in love with it. 

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