Chapter 18

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Mae P.O.V.

"So, what're you going to do when you get out of this place?" I continued my conversation with Bryan trying to avoid the subject of going into surgery. "You gonna miss me?" I laughed as he seemed to think about his answer.

"Idk, I've been in here for 4 months already unable to go home because of my heart. I've been homeschooled for that time so I wouldn't fall behind, but I'd probably go back to regular school and hang out with my friends again." He solemnly answered leaning against the side of the bed.

"That seems fun." I answered trying to adjust myself in the bed without getting dizzy. "I kinda wish I could go to a normal school and be able to make friends with more people my own age." I leaned back into the pillow. "Not that you aren't enough." I laughed.

"Hey, sweetheart!" A voice called out from the door. "Why who is this?" I looked to see dad walking into my room wearing his navy blue scrubs.

"Oh, dad this is Bryan. He's one of the other patients here in the Ped's wing." I gestured to Bryan as dad shook his hand and leaned against the end of my bed. "We were just hanging out."

"Oh, nice." He smiled. "Now as you know you do have a surgery later today and I do not want you to be nervous about it." I looked into his icy blue eyes as they turned serious as he continued talking. "If you want I can be in there sitting by your head because you know I cant perform the surgery." I nodded as I looked from him to Bryan and then up to the ceiling as I leaned back into the bed.

"I know, but don't you have to figure out the whole Isaac situation?" I reminded him. "You can't just put off your other patients because I'm in the hospital, that's not who you are Dr. Shepherd." I smirked as I saw him roll his eyes.

"I know, I know. I just want to make sure your safe before I go on with his surgery." He looked from me to Bryan, who was just sitting at the side of the bed listening to this conversation. "Bryan, why don't we get you back to your room, I'm sure your parents want to see you." Dad smiled as he walked behind Bryan unlocking his wheels as he exited the room.

"See ya later, Bryan!" I yelled out before he was out of sight as I simultaneously stuck my tongue out jokingly at Dad.

Derek P.O.V.

"So Bryan, How long have you been here in the hospital?" I looked down at the boy I knew nothing about as I wheeled him through the hallways.

"I've been here as a patient for about 4 months, but I was here before with my sisters before that." He turned his head to look me in the eyes.

"Oh, so have you been keeping up with school?" I tried to make small talk trying to not make it awkward between us.

"Yeah, my teachers gave me a homeschooling program, but I really wish I could get out of here so I could see my friends." I laughed as we turned the corner. "You know, Mae really wants to go to regular school." I stopped confused as I walked in front of him.

"What? When did she say that?"

"We were talking about this earlier and she said she wanted to be able to hang out and meet people her own age." I nodded as I placed my hand on his knee helping me back onto my feet.

"Well, I might have to talk to her about that now, Bryan." We walked further down the hall before coming to his room where his parents were waiting. His mother had fallen asleep on the couch by the wall and his father was waiting up reading a book which seemed to be about baseball. "Well, here we are." I said as I helped him out fo the chair and into the bed.

'Thanks, Dr. Shepherd." I nodded as I leaned against his bed.

"You know, I like you Bryan." I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder as his dad got up from his chair. "You can call me Derek, if your want." I smiled before nodding my head at his dad before leaning the room.

"Bye, Derek."

I walked out the room turning to see him interacting with his dad probably talking about where he had been and who he had been with as I couldn't stop but think about what he had said about Mae and wanting to go to school. I know that she always wanted to make new friends and be able to tryout for sports teams, but she never expressed that to me ever since we came to Seattle.

* * *

"Hey, Derek!" I turned to see Meredith coming up to me. "Where you comin' from?" She met up with me as her stride synced up with mine.

"Oh, Mae made a new friend the other day and they were hanging out earlier." I looked to her to see she was holding something in her hand. "What's that?"

"Oh, another case. 9-year old with a glioma on her temporal lobe." She handed me a chart as I opened it up. "She came in with a slight headache and ringing in her ears that was consistent over the past week."

"Well, I have to meet with Isaac to tell him that I'm planning to do his surgery tomorrow, but I can see her right after." I handed the chart back to her as I went off toward Isaacs room.

"Why Derek, your a sight for sore eyes. How's Mae?" I walked into Isaac's room placing the chart down on the table at the end of the bed.

"She's good. She'll be going into surgery in about an hour or so, but I'm here to tell you that I will be doing your surgery tomorrow afternoon." I smiled as he returned the smile. "I just wanted to make sure that Mae was ok before I changed my mindset to you." He nodded in agreement, understanding what I was talking about.

"Thank you, Derek. For everything." I nodded as I smiled before leaving the room.

"Schedule Isaac's surgery for tomorrow at 2pm." I handed the nurse the chart as she punched in the information to the computer as someone came up next to me.

"Hey, Derek." A familiar voice emerged. "You miss me?" I turned to see who it was as I came face to face with someone I hoped to never see again.


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