Chapter 2

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I like to pretend my homework is like a surgery. My pencils were the scalpels. The notebook the patient. And the computer was the heart monitor telling you if the patient was still alive or not. Every time I got a question wrong it would mean that the patient developed a bleed. And when I fixed it, I just saved their life. It was my way of studying because I would remember the situation that I would put myself in and remember what I did to get out of it and it normally worked.

I heard a knock at the door and called out for them to come in. "Dr. Grey?"

"Hi, I thought this was Dr. Shepherd's office. What are you doing here?"

"This is. He's my dad." She gave me a shocked and confused look when I told her that. "He's in surgery now. Can I give him a message when he gets back."

"Uhh, yeah. Could you tell him that I have the scans for Katie Bryce."

"Yeah." I was dying to ask her this next question and I wasn't sure I should ask her. "Do you like my dad?" I blurted out before I could even stop myself.

"Uhm, what?" She blushed. She definitely liked him. "He's a good surgeon and an excellent teacher."

"Oh, yeah I guess he is." That's not the reply I was looking for. But at least I got an answer out of her.

"Hey, what are you doing with your homework?" She asked looking down at the desk with all my school on it.

"Yeah. It helps me study and learn how to do things properly and correct." She looked like she had done the same thing when she was younger. "Do you study the same way? Because I always thought that I was the only one to study this way."

"Yeah. My mom was a surgeon here and I spent most of my life here. I use to do my work in the O.R. gallery with people giving me strange looks because I called my pencils, scalpels and had my Anatomy Jane doll layed out on my notebook." She was funny. I liked her and she was actually just like me. I practically grew up in hospitals spending time in O.R. galleries watching my dad cut open people's brains or my mo--.

"Hey. Oh, Dr. Grey, I see you met my daughter, Mae." He entered the room looking happy like his surgery was a success and their were no complications with it.

"Yeah. I just wanted to show you Katie's scans. It looks normal but I cant figure out why she's seizing."

"Hmm, it looks normal. Are there any other signs that show a neurological issue?" He asked really puzzled about what could be wrong with girl.

"Well, I was talking to her earlier and she said that she does pageants."

"Yeah and..." He asked with a face of complete confusion. "We are still going to have to fix her."

"I know but she said that she fell and twisted her ankle and the doctor didn't even check if she hit her head because it was so minor." She seemed to be on to something.

"So she could have a bleed in her brain." I piped up. Meredith looked at me with an interested look like she was starting to like me. My dad gave the chart back to Meredith and told her to follow him. He stopped at the door and looked at me with an 'are you coming?' face. I jumped up from the desk and ran over to him and wrapped him in a hug and followed him to room 2134.

"We believe that your daughter may have a small bleed in her brain." My dad told the parents of the girl. "We want to do another test to make sure."

"Will she stopped seizing if that's the case?" The mom asked, curious about whether her daughter will be safe when she comes out of surgery.

"She will."

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