His daughter

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Dedicated to Itz_Bry
Bryanna POV:
I walked back home from a bad day of school I hope that my day will be more better than school.
And just as if on cue it starts pouring down raining.
"UGH!!!"I groaned as I stormed home soaking wet.
I stormed home soaking wet as i jigger my key into the door as it opened and I walked in slamming the door shut.
I turned around to see my dad leaning back on the couch smoking a blunt.
I rolled my eyes as I threw my jacket on the hook and ran upstairs to my room slamming the door.
I threw my book bag to the side as I turned on my radio and turned it up high as i bumped to lemon by N.E.R.D ft Rihanna.
I started doing my homework as I heard my dad yelling outside of my door.
"YO BRYANNA TURN THAT SHIT DOWN"he yelled threw the door but I just ignored him.
He busted through the door.
"WHAT THE HELL!!"I yelled as he smashed my radio
"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE TOWARDS ME"he yelled in my face
"NO I CAN CURSE WHENEVER I WANT TO BECAUSE FATHERS LIKE YOU DONT DESERVE NO RESPECT!!"I yelled in his face but felt a sharp pain in the side of my face.
I felt my face turning red as it started stinging and I could've feel the blood running down my nose and my lip was bleeding.
"Babygirl I'm so sorry"he said trying to touch me but I flinched away
"Get out"I said about to cry
"Bryanna I didn't mean(gco)"
"GET OUT"I yelled while crying as he walked out of my room so I slammed the door and ran to my bathroom crying my eyes out.
This was the first he ever has hit me and it was a shocker,I mean we always argue all the time but this was a whole different level....
At night
I was laying in my bed sleeping as I felt wet kisses going down my stomach and up to my neck.
I moaned a little but tried to go back to sleep but felt a finger go up my paradise.
I smiled a little as I looked down to see my father.
I screamed a little
"DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING"I yelled as he removed his finger
"I felt sorry for what I did so I decided to give you pleasure"he said as he leaned in trying to kiss me but I pushed him back.
"No dad this is wrong I'm your daughter"I said on the verge of crying
"But who says father and daughter can't have another relationship too"he said as he started kissing my neck.
I pushed him off of me
"Dad please leave before it gets worse"I said while holding back my tears
"What you mean before it gets worse"he said confused
"I will call the cops for sexual assault if you don't leave now"I said while crying
He sighed...
He got off of my bed and kissed my forehead before leaving me in my room by myself.
I never see that side of my dad before and it's crazy because how all of a sudden he's here for me now but when I was little he had nothing to do with me.
TBC,hope you like it

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