New king

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"T'challa please don't do it"I called out to my bestfriend as he stood in front of killmonger ready to fight.
I tried to run towards him but I got pulled back by shuri as I cried.
Right now t'challa was losing the fight he had scars all over his body from the slashes killmonger gave him.
I cried as flashbacks came to mind.
"T'challa are you sure you won't get hurt"I asked him as he stood in front of the mirror examining himself.
"Yesss my dear friend,I'm sure I won't get hurt"he said walking towards me smiling as he talked in his accent.
I grinned as he grabbed both of my hands and kissed them gently
"Challa promise me that you won't get hurt and will stand for your battle with much strength as the black panther"I said smiling cupping my hands around his face.
"I promise"he said chuckling.
I rolled my eyes playfully as he gazed in my eyes as he leaned in.
I licked my lips looking down at his as he smashed his lips. Into mines.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he laid me down on the bed.
"T'challa we cant do this"I mumbled as his kisses travels down my neck.
He ignored me as I continued.
"Your with nakia"I said softly as he stopped and got off of me.
"DAMN!!!"he yelled slamming his fist down on the table
"Challa it's ok because it just happened so fast"I said rubbing his back as he sighed.
"Can we just keep this behind us"he asked me sighing.
"Yes"I said pulling him into an hug.
I stopped thinking about it as I saw zuri body laying there lifeless.
I tried to get out of shuri grip but she won't budge to let me go.
Erik stabbed t'challa with his spare as we gasped.
T'challa fell to his knees in pain as he looked over to me mouthing "I'm sorry"
More tears flooded my eyes as killmonger picked him up and threw him around his shoulders as he held him in the air and walked to the cliff.
I cried harder as ramanda pulled me towards her and hugged me real tight.
Killmonger threw Challa off the cliff making everyone gasp.
I ran back inside the kingdom as I ran to a room and sat on the table crying.
Okoye came in there with me as she rubbed my back and went to the window.
Shuri came rushing in the room.
"We have to go now"she said standing in front of me.
"I can't it's my duty to stay with the king."said okoye looking out the window.
Shuri looked at me waiting for an answer.
"I can't cause I know that nakia is going and it's gonna be awkward between me and her because she doesn't like me around Challa"I said sighing.
Shuri nodded as she hugged me than ran out the door.
Tears flooded my eyes as I left out of the room and walked down the hall.
I bumped into someone when I looked up I saw the evil guy himself,the one who killed my friend.
"Oh your the girl from the rock who cried for poor little t'challa"he said chuckling I ignored him and pushed past him.
"It's sad that he won't be coming back to save the day"he said laughing.
Anger cane over my body.
I walked back towards him.
"Don't you dear talk about t'challa like that and I know he will come back because I believe in him and so do others"I said pointing at him as I hit his chest.
He glared at me

"And who says so"he said walking towards me as I smirked

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"And who says so"he said walking towards me as I smirked.
"I do"I said smirking.
Next thing you know I'm in an cold dark blood curling cell.
"Should've thought more about your choice of words"the guard said as he walked away with his keys jiggling.
I walked over to the clean bed in the cell as I sat on it looking at the plain grey wall.
I heard foot steps walking towards my cell but I didn't bother to look up an see.
"How does it feel like to be in here"said the deep voice.
I looked up to see the guy killmonger
"How did it feel when you were in here killmonger"I asked him turning towards him as he chuckled
"It was aight,and don't call me by that cause it sound plain so call me Erik"he said chuckling.
"So that's the same answer from me"I said staring back at the wall.
I heard keys jiggling again as his tall figure stood in front of me making me look up.
"Listen here babygirl even tho we just met you seem like the bold type and I don't like your attitude towards me"he said walking towards me.
I stood up.
"My attitude can be however I want it to be towards people cause you don't own me."I spat as I laughed
"Oh I don't huh"he said chuckling.
I crossed my arms nodding my head.
He smirked and grabbed my arm and pulled my towards him as my ear was close by his lips and he clutched my arm making me wince in pain.
"You got an smart tounge of yours babygirl and I don't like it so I suggest you to obey your king or you can be on punishment in my way"he said in my ear making my heart skip an beat.
"Understand"he asked in my ear making me say yes.
He bit my ear in an sexual type way as he walked out of the prison cell motioning me that I can go....
I speed walked upstairs to my room as I closed the door sighing.
I can already see that our new king as an sexual side in his body....

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