Baby boy🤫💙👶🏾

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I was in the living room with my baby boy who was 3 years old watching tv as he played with his toys.
While we was watching tv I heard a knock at the door.
I sighed than got up and looked through the peephole.
It was Erik....
Y/n:baby go to your room and close the door and stay quite in there.
I told him as he grabbed his toys and his little legs ran to his room and closed the door.
I opened up the door to see Erik standing there smirking.
Erik:hey babyyyy....
He said as his words slurred and he leaned off from against the wall trying to kiss my but I moved my head to the side.
He came inside as I closed and locked the door.
Y/n:why are you here Erik?
I asked him crossing my arms as he put both of his hands on each side of my head.
Erik:I missed youuuu
He said singing while laughing as I smelled the liquor coming from off of his breath.
Y/n:Erik go home your drunk.
I whined as he shook his head no.
Erik:I'm not drunk I just had a couple of drinks I'm all good.
He said laughing as he walked and looked around the house.
Y/n:Erik why are you here?
I asked him
Erik:because I love you.
He said backing me up against the wall.
Y/n:Erik plz...
You said sighing as you turned your head and he smirked
Erik:I'm serious y/n I always did it's just that we had different things in our future,I wanted to marry you,I wanted to have kids with you.
He said lifting of your chin.
Y/n:yea I don't think that willl work out for us.
I said rolling my eyes.
His eyes turned pitch black.
He wrapped his hand around my neck as my feet stood up from off of the ground.
Erik: y/n why you keep doing these things to me you know how I always wanted a good relationship with you but you broke that,my father died and I got left alone but nooo when it came to me growing up I met you and you were the only person who kept me from falling apart
he said chuckling.
Tears fell down as I shook my head.
He put me down and sighed.
Y/n:Erik I lied.
I said looking down.
Erik:what you mean?
He asked confused.
I grabbed his hand taking him to my son room and opened his door.
Erik:nooo it can't be.
He said walking inside and looking around.
Y/n: Erin you can come out now.
I said as he came out of the closet looking at me and Erik.
He walked up to Erik.

Erin:mommy who is this?Erin asked me looking in Erik eyes as Erik kneeled down to his level

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Erin:mommy who is this?
Erin asked me looking in Erik eyes as Erik kneeled down to his level.
Erik:y/n is this my baby boy?
Erik asked gazing back in Erin eyes.

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