«chapter sixteen»

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chapter sixteen

day ten

Liam's enraged face appeared behind the now-broken door. "Get off of him!" He yelled, pushing the one that was currently poking at Niall's leg to the ground. The other man stopped what he was doing, looked at Liam's hateful face, and ran, dragging his friend along with him.

"Are you okay, baba?" Liam asked softly kneeling beside Niall. "Oh my god, this is all my fault. We've got an ambulance on the way, love. You'll be okay. I'll kill myself if you aren't."

The previous angry Liam that Niall had just saw was no longer there; the man in front of him was caring, kneeling over Niall has if he was the most precious thing in the world. Niall couldn't exactly speak through the pain he was feelng, but he nodded to let Liam know that he was alright for the moment being.

"I promise they'll be here soon. Zayn called for them. Are you sure you're alright? This is my fault, it's all my fault.'' Liam was becoming frantic now. This was all his fault. He never should have invited Niall to his match. He figured something like this would happen.

"Baby..." Niall whispered softly, reaching his arm up to touch Liam's face. "It's not your fault. It's all mine. I was stupid to follow the dude out here."

"It's not your fault. Nothing is your fault," Liam muttered, trying to hold back his tears. "I never should have invited you. I knew this would happen! Why am I so stupid?"

Niall had never really had any second thoughts about Liam's feelings for him. But if there were any, they all flew out the window the second he looked into Liam's tear-filled eyes. He was trying his absolute hardest not to cry. He never cried. And here lay a broken and bruised Niall, and Liam wanted to cry.

"I'm alright, really. Just a little beat up," Niall let out a small, painful laugh that soon turned into a cough.

"Lay still, baby," Liam murmured, eyes unmoving from his face. "I can hear the EMTs."

No sooner than that sentence came out of Liam's mouth, the EMTs appeared at the door, wheeling a stretcher.

"Sir, we need you to move out of the way," one of them spoke softly, as if they didn't want to disturb the boys.

"Can I come with him?"

"Of course. As long as you get out of the way," he promised. Liam stood slowly, letting go of Niall's hand unwillingly. He was lifted onto the stretcher carefully. Niall tried not to scream out as they touched his broken leg.

"The ambulance is just out front," one of them told Liam. He nodded and headed out behind them, looking worriedly at Niall. The younger vaguely noticed that the tears spilled out of Liam's eyes and all over his face.

"I'm so sorry, baba." Liam placed a small kiss on Niall's cheek before the blonde passed out.


Liam stood defeatly in the waiting room of the ER. Zayn sat beside him, rubbing his back. "It's not your fault, you know,'' Zayn pointed out. "It's nobody's fault."

"It is my fault!" Liam shouted. "I'm the one that invited him! I'm the one that didn't keep a better eye on him! It's all my fault! That's why I didn't want to accept him at first!" Liam laid his head in his hands.

Zayn was shocked. That's why? "Wait," Zayn held his hand up, even though Liam wasn't looking at him. "Explain further."

"I always screw shit up. Even the little meaningless flings I've had, something bad happened. It's always my fault. Karma has something against me." Liam's voice was thick. He was crying again. "I need Andy. Where's Andy?"

"Why do you need Andy? Am I not just as good?" Zayn tried his best to joke.

"I don't need Andy," Liam said irritatedly. "I need what's he's got. Where is he?"

"Woah, man," Andy said from the doors of the private waiting room. "I told you I wasn't gonna let you screw yourself over again. Besides, I don't deal in hospitals. Have some class."

"I need it, Andy! Or else I'm going to go insane!" Liam began pacing, trying to cool himself down.

"Here," Zayn pulled out his pack of cigarettes. "Take this, go for a smoke. Just don't smoke all of them. I may need some myself."

"You got a lighter?" Liam asked quietly. "I don't keep one on me anymore.''

"Yeah," Zayn tossed his at Liam. Once he left the room, Zayn turned to Andy. "Okay, what's up with Liam?"

"Liam's a druggie, bascially. He's been trying though. He wants to stop for Niall," Andy said with disapproval in his tone. "I'm glad he's stopping. But I'll be losing a valued customer. I'm cutting him off cold turkey. I wish you wouldn't have given him those fags."

"What was I supposed to do?" Zayn asked. "He was about to pull his hair out!"

"Nothing, I guess." Andy sighed. "Now we just wait for news on Niall."


Liam stood outside, smoking all of his frustration away. He really didn't like the fact that he was smoking, but all the stress and frustration piled on top of him and he just couldn't help himself.

It was his fault, Liam knew it. No one else wanted to admit it. Every time he did something like this, someone got hurt. A couple years back, it was Andy that was hurt.

He knew he never should have accepted the boy in the first place. But then he found out Niall would die if he didn't. So he sucked it up and accepted him for Niall's sake. Somewhere along the line he fell in love, and now the blond is the only thing he can ever think of.

"Why do I always screw things up!" Liam shouted into the darkness. He felt like kicking the wall, but he knew better. Instead he stood in the dark, his chest heaving and struggling for breath.

Zayn ran out of the building, panting as if he had run miles. "We have news on Niall."


this car is making me sick and i have to pee.

everything is so lovely at the moment.

i literally feel like i'm gonna puke someone help me

i have no idea if this chapter is gonna save or not


1070 words


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