«chapter thirteen»

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chapter thirteen
day eight

Niall ordered pretty much every breakfast item on the menu, much to Liam's amusement. Niall blushed and stammered an apology. Liam only laughed and insisted that it was alright.

"I've got enough to cover it," Liam laughed. "Don't worry." Niall still blushed. Liam grinned madly at him.

"I still worry," Niall muttered. "You should have let me bring my wallet."

"But then it wouldn't be a treat, now would it?" Liam smirked as Niall grumbled.

"I guess not."

"Then don't worry your pretty head over it." Liam laughed as Niall blushed.


As soon as they had finished their food, Liam took Niall directly back to his flat. "As soon as you're ready to see me again, just text me. I'll be over as soon as I can." Liam grinned and gave Niall a peck on the lips. Then he was gone.

Niall had an infectious smile on his face as he walked back into his shared flat. "And where were you?" Louis demanded as soon as Niall stepped into the main room.

"With Liam," Niall answered vaguely. "He took me out for brekkie, since your boyfriend wouldn't make me any."

"Don't pin this on Harry!" Louis shouted, making Niall flinch. "I'm sorry. Just... Please tell someone when you go out. I know now that you were with Liam, but we still worry."

"I'm sorry," Niall apologised. "I knew as soon as I got to Liam's I had made the mistake of not telling you. Liam said he would bring me back here as soon as we were finished, and he did. No harm done, except to Liam's wallet."

"You bought the entire menu, didn't you?" Louis smirked.

"Maybe just a little bit," Niall laughed.


Liam sighed as he found himself back at the gym with Andy. "I want something," he blurted as soon as he saw his friend and dealer's face. "I want something, but please don't let me have it."

"Wasn't planning on it," Andy grinned. "You've finally got something good going in your life. I'm not going to help you screw it up."

"Thank you," Liam breathed. "You're a good person, for a drug dealer."

''And you're a good person, for a druggie. Now, did you actually come here to practice for your fight, or just to tell me not to give you anything?" Andy raised his eyebrow.

"I came here for both, actually." Liam gestured to the bag on his shoulder. "I'm gonna go suit up, alright? I'll be out in a bit."

Andy smirked as soon as he saw that Liam had left his phone. The passcode wasn't hard, it was the year Liam had been born. The phone unlocked immediately, and andy went to his messages to text Niall.

to: nini

hey, it's liam's friend andy. i was wondering if you'd like to come to the gym to watch liam practice. i think he'd enjoy it(: it's the one closest to liam's flat. i hope to finally see you soon

"What were you doing?" Liam asks suspiciously as he walks out of the locker room. "Why are you holding my phone?"

"It was sitting on the floor," Andy tried to cover his smirk with a laugh. "I was just making sure no one stepped on it."

"Uh, okay?'' Liam questioned. He knew Andy probably didn't really care if his phone was stepped on or not, but he didn't question for the fact that he had no better assumption. "You gonna help me spar or?"

"Yep, let's go." Andy led him into the ring as Liam continued to lace his gloves. "You know you've got a match in two days, right?"

"I knew it was soon, yeah. But two days? Am I ready?" Liam was worried. He knew that techically, this fight was illegal. The guy was above his weight class. Even where and how he was fighting wasn't exactly legal.

"I think you're about ready, Liam. Now c'mon. Fight me." As soon as Andy gave the word, he braced himself as Liam threw the first punch. Liam's first was always the worst, Andy had found out. He needed to know how much it would take to knock his opponet to his butt. If you weren't prepared, Liam's first punch could knock you out cold.

After Andy was blown back a couple of feet, everything was standard. He had been practicing with Liam so long, Andy could pretty much anticipate his every move.

The door dinged, but Liam didn't turn around. Andy knew better than to take his eyes off of his opponent, but he had to see if it was Niall. As soon as Andy took his eyes off Liam and caught eyes with Niall, it was over. Liam gave one good punch to the gut, and Andy was on the floor weezing.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm sorry, I lost it for a second. I never should have hit you that hard." Liam was panicking. He never meant for it to knock Andy to the floor and make him wheeze. It was only supposed to be enough to maybe make him hunch over.

"It's...fine...Liam," Andy wheezed. "My fault, I was looking at Niall."

"Niall?" Liam's head shot up to look for him. "Where's Niall?"

"Over..there.'' Andy pointed in his direction, then his head fell back onto the mat. Liam forgot about his friend to go find Niall.

"Niall! Hey, I didn't know you were going to be here!" Liam grinned. "I was just practicing for my big fight day after tomorrow."

"You've got a fight?" Niall raised his eyebrows. "Can I come?"

"You may want to bring your mates or something, but yeah! You're always welcome. I'm just telling you, don't come alone. You can come with me or Andy, but you cannot leave Andy's side."

"Why?" Niall asked curiously.

"The lads at these fights, they aren't the most civil things. They like anything that's pretty. They don't care about these." Liam gestured to their glowing wrists. "And once they find out that you're mine, they'll be even more determined to get you."


"Because I've kicked all of their arses."

The couple laughed. Niall gave sweaty Liam a quick hug and peck on the cheek in front of the entire gym, whose attention had been drawn to the scene as soon as Andy hit the floor. Liam blushed, then went back to check on his friend.


okay, well.

about halfway through writing this, my dog fell asleep on my laptop.

he's such a cutie omfg

i want my baba:(

[no one will ever like me as much as i like them]

so um

penises idk

so baiiiiii

1116 words


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