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"Allison! Your Aunt Tina's here." My mum called up the stairs. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and shrugged on my jacket before making my way down.

"Bye mum." I stood at the door. waving at my little brother as he sat in front of the TV before following my aunt out.

The car ride took about fifteen minutes, not that I minded much, the songs on the radio were actually good for once. But when we arrived, I kind of wished the journey had taken a little bit longer, not because I enjoyed my aunt's company to that extent, but because these days I hadn't been feeling up to doing the jobs handed to me. I was grateful for the money, yeah, but then again, posing with an ice cream cone... Not exactly what I'd call a work of art.

I was quite familiar with this area; lots of agencies held their photo shoots here and I was around often enough to acquaint myself with it. I knew there was a small corner shop at the end of the road and I intended to visit soon, I was really craving their gummy bears and I hadn't been able to find them elsewhere. A depressing stage in my life.

As I entered the small, brick building, I couldn't help but hold myself back a bit. Was this really worth it?

"Hurry up Al, they're waiting," my aunt pressed, slowing down so I could catch up with her.

We were soon climbing up two flights of stairs until we reached a large, wooden door. My auntie seemed to know where she was going so I waited until she'd gone in to speak to whoever it was she needed to talk to while I looked around the second floor.

The door soon clicked open and my aunt was ushering me in, her bold features a portrait of confidence, the complete opposite of my mother's timid physique. While Tina flaunted her dark eyebrows and jet black hair, my mother seemed to be in the wrong body with her fiery red locks and startling blue eyes.

I wish I'd inherited my mothers hair, but alas I was stuck with mousy brown locks that I'd dyed a rich red at a very young age. Not something my parents approved of, but I was happy. What I had gotten from my mother however, was her petite features, but my dad had still managed to leave his green-eyed mark on me.

He'd been relocated to Scotland for a few months; apparently they had a shortage of staff and he was the only one available at the moment. To be honest though, it was no different to his usual work hours where he'd be sleeping away from home for days on end.

"Right, Allison," a woman approached me, clipboard in hand. "You've got an 'X' marked on the floor for your placement during the shoot. You'll need to stand there the entire time and keep your back to the window, don't want the sun ruining our lighting now do we?"

I strongly resisted the urge to roll my eyes and point out the fact that there were such things as curtains made especially to block out sunlight.

"First though," she continued, "we've got your clothes hung up in the changing room round there. Makeup's gonna be with you as soon as you're done, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." I nodded.

"Oh, and I'm Jenna," she added as an afterthought before moving along to talk to my aunt.

I walked along the length of the room until I found a black door contrasting against the pure white of the room. Opening it, I found that the term 'changing room' was slightly overrated. All it was was a small room with a long mirror lying against the wall and a bunch of clothes hung up on silver hooks.

The dress on the wall glittered against the bright lightbulb, the sequins leaving a dancing reflection opposite it. Brown wasn't my preferred colour, but who was I to decide? The dress wasn't really my size either, but since I was the reserve, I didn't get much of a choice other than to wear it. The model who'd initially been picked ended up ditching this small job for some other, 'better' commitments apparently... Well, lucky her, I guess.

After pulling the tight fitting cloth on, I looked around for some shoes but came up empty. Confused, I slipped on my black Vans before walking out, making my way towards Jenna.

"Sorry," I started, watching as she took her glasses off to look up at me, "I couldn't find any shoes...?"

She smiled briefly. "Those are fine, we didn't want a full figure photo anyway. I'll call Dina up to do the hair and make up, then you're done."

I nodded slowly before scurrying off to find my aunt.

"Tee!" I called, relieved at the sight of her mop of black waves.

"Hey hun, you look good," she chuckled in amusement, eyeing my dress, "I didn't realise brown was your colour."

"Please," I scoffed. "They didn't even want to waste shoes on me." I exclaimed. "Shoes!"

Her head fell back as she laughed. "Oh be quiet," she said, shaking her head, "I'm pretty sure you don't even need them so hurry up and go get ready. I think that's the make up woman." She motioned towards a short, but adorably cute woman coming through the door.

"I'm here!" She hollered, earning a disapproving glare from Jenna.

"That's Allison," Jenna motioned towards me, "don't do anything extravagant, we don't have time and please make sure her face matches the dress this time."

Dina nodded, a solemnly serious look on her face. "C'mon," she cocked her head towards the door, "I've set up my stuff in another room." She started walking as I followed behind her. "Plus," she added in a whisper, "then I won't have Jenna breathing down my back the entire time."

I laughed quietly, "She can't be that bad."

"Ha! Right."

* * *

I pressed my fingers against my forehead, massaging my skin slowly. This had been one of the longest and most stressful photo shoots I'd ever had to do. I was practically chewing my words from earlier to pieces. Not that bad my ass, the woman was like a military chief and I honestly couldn't take another demand from Jenna.

Suddenly, my aunt barged into the room after leaving to take a phone call.

"Oh my god!" She squealed, a bright smile on her face. "I'm so sorry Jenna, me and Al need to leave. Now."

* * * *
Hey guyyyyyyys!!
Hope you lot liked this chapter, let me know if you didn't.. And please, if you see any mistakes or anything, comment & let me know. I honestly embrace it.


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