half / 20

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"Are you insane?!"

Giving her a sharp look, I gripped the ski poles in my hand, keeping my patience in check. We ignored Alec who was hollering in excitement as he slid through the snow surface ahead of us.

"Ry, this is Khloe we're talking about," Arisa exclaimed before detaching her boots from her ski plates. "She's-she's a bad news and of all people, you clearly knew that she loves to play tricks. I swear, Ry! I swear that you're gonna get hurt."

"Love hurts, A," I defended, pulling the helmet off my head and carried my equipment.

My best friend frowned. "Love? Oh gosh, Ry! Listen to yourself. You sound like a poet worshipping her lover."

I rolled my eyes and began to head back to the luxurious chalet Arisa rented for tonight's party. Hiding my hands into the front pockets of my ski jacket, I roamed my eyes around the icy resort, hoping I could find my girlfriend. It had been two hours since the party started but I didn't see even a strand of her hair yet.

"You can't love her, Ry," Arisa continued her nonsense blabber as she trailed behind me. "She's so wrong with you. I can't even imagine you both in the same place together, you know, in that way."

Even though the cold air was crawling into my skin, I turned, my blood was boiling hot in irritation as I glared at my best friend. "You're asking me that I can't love her like you can't love Quinn because she won't be able to sense you physically. Did you stop loving her because you can't satisfy her in bed?"

Arisa stepped forward and glared back at me. "That's foul, Ry. We're different from you!"

"How's that different? Khloe may have a lot of flaws. She might be difficult but I would always choose her, a thousand back. And in the first place, you don't know sh!t about her. You've only seen her surface but I saw her for what she truly is."

Although her eyes remained piercing on mine, she didn't let out another word before she walked past me, leaving me behind.

I let out a huff then turned to watch Arisa's back disappeared through the busy crowd. Shaking my head, I stomped my way through the partygoers, giving the equipment to the resort staff. Heading to the lounge bar, I sat on the stool and ordered a glass of Cocoa Buie II hot cocktail to warm myself up. The indie music playing around sort of gave me a fuzzy feeling. Arisa was also hosting this type of party- the mild one which I preferred more compared to those wild ones.

I observed the surrounding, giving small smiles to my friends who greeted me as they passed by. I rolled my eyes as I watched a deer mascot dancing out of beat at the top of the table then I saw Bailey in the middle of the crowd with her new friend, Chase. I wondered how she managed to look like fine when in truth, she was dying inside. We still haven't heard anything from Tiana yet. Bailey's mother said she was certain that Tiana was still in a coma but that was it. We still didn't know any specific details about her condition. They were doing everything they could to reach her but Tiana's biological family was stubborn as hell.

Speaking of stubborn, unfortunately, my Mom was against the idea of her daughter falling in love with someone of the same sex. However, she had considered Cassie's last will so she let me do what my heart speaks. I had no idea if she told Dad but I was hoping to keep that information between us until I graduate high school.

In the first place, once I go to college, I would be somewhat free controlling my life, not that I wouldn't respect them anymore though.

"Trouble in winter paradise? Oh no, maybe trouble in 'summer' paradise," an unfamiliar voice caught my attention causing my head to tilt sideways.

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