half / 16

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"What's gotten into your foul mood?" Alec asked as he dribbled the basketball repeatedly against the concrete of the school track and field.

Rolling my eyes, I gulped down the energy drink I was holding before I acknowledged his presence. "And why are you here? As I remember, you don't play any sports for our school."

"I need to talk to you," he said, gripping the ball between his hands.

"You always need to talk to me. Tell me, Alec. You sneaked into my room not because of Xander, right?" I questioned suspiciously. Alec would never let himself get into trouble just because Xander asked for help. He was better than being his chained puppy.

Letting out a sigh, he looked at me apologetically then he glanced over his shoulder. The cheerleading squad was on break, stretching their muscles before our dance routine so he was free to annoy me. Well, maybe it was good that he was bothering me, or else I would just stare longingly at the soccer field which was being occupied by the soccer team, of course. And Khloe Summer belonged to the team who was playing as our forward. And that forward player hasn't talked to me since Monday... since I apologized.

And today was already Wednesday.

Ughh, why did she have to be difficult?!

"You're right!" Alec's voiced out, getting me out of the daze and causing me to shake my head in amusement.

"Spill it out!"

Alec surprisingly averted his eyes in coyness then he cleared his throat. "Uhhm, what do you think about Cathy?"

My eyes widened, tilting my head slightly in shock. "So you like Cathy, huh?" I teased with a devious smile as I referred to our squad manager.

The boy rubbed the back of his neck timidly. "Well, yeah. C-Can you help me... with her?"

I laughed out loud as I hit his arms playfully. "You're a wuss. You can't even ask her out yourself."

He groaned as he threatened to throw the ball at my face which I knew he would never do. "C'mon! Help me! At least, open a conversation with her about me so that I will know what she thinks of me."

"She thinks you're barbaric."

Alec dropped his mouth open in disbelief. "No! Hilary, Tell her I'm not barbaric! I'm a gentleman but not barbaric."

I burst out laughing again. "I-I know. I know, darling. I'm just kidding. She never said that to me."

To my surprise, he flipped me off before punching the ball with his fist in annoyance. "You're such a loser! I'm serious with her."

Shaking my head again, a mischievous smile crept on my lips. "Do you really want my help?"

Alec nodded eagerly like a kid receiving her smartphone for the first time.

Turning to my group, I spotted Cathy seated on the bottommost row of bleachers. She was too engrossed on her laptop, undoubtedly making our practice schedule for the upcoming football game. Yup, she was too absorbed in her own duties so she probably didn't have time to play with romance.

It was time to change it.

Without further ado, I tugged Alec's shirt and forcefully dragged him in her direction. "Cathy!"

My voice immediately got her attention and I felt Alec tensed behind me. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" he panicked but he was following me anyway.

"Come here for a minute, Cathy!" I called out again so she immediately stood up and approached me halfway. I tightened my grip onto Alec's shirt so he wouldn't be able to escape this golden opportunity.

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