half / 11

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I'd been groaning a lot in my walk-in closet and it was still morning. I narrowed my eyes at the pile of clothes I tossed on my vanity. Obviously, I couldn't find a proper outfit for the day, causing me to glance at the clock. I only have remaining fifteen minutes before seven and Khloe would arrive soon to pick me up. I woke up earlier than usual because I intentionally set my alarm at five thirty last night. I had consumed my time too long at the bath, wanting to be perfectly cleaned and fresh. I finished contouring my face with light makeup on right places and dried my hair to a lovely braided hairdo, exposing my attractive face and defined jaw.

The last problem at hand was a set of clothes that should match my style.

I just despised being late and seeing that I couldn't find the right outfit for some unknown reason, Khloe might run out of patience and leave me behind. I wanted to know what would it feels like to spend time with my crush in the morning.

Yes, I had finally admitted that I was having a little crush on Khloe Summer. I've come to that term last night after I gave her a kiss on the cheek, which was really not friendly for my part. I'd refused the idea at first but I convinced myself that I wouldn't let myself to get involved sexually with her if I wasn't attracted to her in the first place.

She was so pretty, in a badass way, tall with fair skin tone and stunning eyes. And what got me the most was her awesome personality. Khloe was very intelligent despite always putting herself in trouble at times but that made her more all striking.

It wasn't bad for me to have a crush on her. It was just a little feeling and it wasn't like it's going anywhere. I just wanted her to be one of my best friends as I had intended.

It was already late November and the temperature was slowly dropping. My skin shivered under my silk robe, urging me to just choose my outfit faster. Shaking my head, I pulled out my ripped black jeans, a white top, and a dark gray long rib cardigan.

Once I was fully clothed, I heard a honk outside followed by my Mom's shout, announcing that my friend has already arrived. She didn't ask me whose friend it was last night once I mentioned that she's also a close friend of Arisa. It was totally a lie but I just didn't want her to bombard me with questions about Khloe's family background like an FBI agent.

Stumbling to get my two inches ankle boots, I made a total fool of myself by accidentally shoving the mass of clothes to the floor. I grumbled again and just left them there, speed walking outside to get my bag from my desk.

Kissing my Mom and Dad on their cheeks, I rushed outside without turning my head to what they were saying, with a goodbye wave. Seeing her car in front of our gate, I opened the door and seated in the passenger seat, huffing from almost tripping and running to make it in time.

I scanned her from head to toe. And as always, she had this tricky smile on her strong facial feature, blazing earthly eyes locked to my sky-filled one and wavy medium-length bob haircut, adding to her radiance. She was clad in the teal striped sweater with a knitted scarf around her neck and skinny jean complemented by a pair of white Vans sneaker.

"Marathon at morning, huh?" Khloe chuckled, earning her a smack on her arm from me.

She feigned pain but I didn't fall for it when I slapped her arm again. "Drive now!"

"Ouch... Why are you in a hurry and kinky at the same time?" she asked, cupping my face in her warm hands. My stomach rolled at the contact and things got worse when she bent forward and gave me a light smack on my cheek. While her hands were holding the side of my face, the touch of her marshmallow lips was placed almost to my plump one.

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