An Explaination and an Apology

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So, I know I haven't updated in several months.

I honestly feel really guilty for leaving you guys for so long, though you've honestly probably forgotten about this.

I noticed that this has recently gotten a lot of new readers, and to them I do apologize. I understand how much it sucks to find a story only to realize it's incomplete and hasn't been updated in months.

I'll be real with you guys. I have lost all interest and all motivation for this story. It was painful to write that last chapter.

It's just that I know this whole story is a piece of shit, but you guy like it for some reason, so I try to keep writing it, but I hate it.

I'm really not even IN the Percy Jackson fandom anymore. Like, I still love the books and all, but I no longer spend time reading the fanfiction or looking at the fanart. Maybe that's part of reason I basically have to force these chapters out my ass now; I'm just not interested anymore.

I'm honestly thinking about unpublishing this story simply because I know I'm not going to finish it, and I almost know that new people will continue to read it. It's just not worth it.

Now this next part is for my writers out there.

If you guys are anything like me, you've probably already imagine some possible outcome for this story. I am not opposed to giving this story away and letting you finish it if you so wish. I'm just putting that option out there because I know I've wanted to when I find an unfinished story. If you're interested, my Instagram is forgotten_bagel  .

Sorry about this...

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