Chapter 14

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I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out what was wrong with Nico. I could ask him; he didn't seem like the kind of person to just tell me, a stranger, anything.

I called all of my friends, Lou Ellen, Cecil, Kayla, Austin, Meg, Silena, Clarisse, even some of my mutual friends, Luke, Ethan, Drew, Michael, Lacy, Valentina, Nyssa.... No one had seen where he went.

I sighed. Maybe he really was just tired...

Word count: 78

This is just sad. Like, it doesn't even qualify as a chapter, IT'S SO SHORT!! AHHH!!!

Yeah, I have a bit of Writer's Block. Help. I am going to continue this story, and I will continue to update every day because you're not the only ones who are just waiting to get to the exciting stuff. I have things planned...

But I'm not sure what to do with the story until then. I'd like to do a bit of fluff for you guys, but that's not really my strong suit. Ideas?

I want you guys to tell me a few thing that you would like to see happen in this book. Please understand that I can't use every one, and I probably won't be able to follow your prompts exactly. Please try not to suggest anything that would be a major plot point because, obviously, it would most likely make things more difficult for me which would be incredibly counter-productive.

Go crazy.

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