5. Fear the Mind Reader

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I was about to ask how old he was when something horrible occurred to me. "Merda."

"What is it?" Will asked. I could hear the genuine concern in his voice.

I let out a string of Italian cuss words. "I can't go back to the Association." I shook my head frantically. "They'll assume I've been bitten." They'll kill me...

Will scowled. "You mean humans still believe that BS?"

I stared at him. "What?"

"Human still believe that vampire bites will inevitably turn them people into blood-thirsty beasts?" He couldn't seem to believe his own words.

"Uh...yeah?" I tilted my head in confusion.

He sat back, groaning dramatically. "You humans never forget anything! Those were dark times!"

"I'm..not quite sure I understand?"

He sighed. "We only turn humans if we want to. It's strictly forbidden anyway. Yeah, it happened a lot some thousand years ago, but there was a war going on! We needed numbers!"

I was seriously confused now. "Wait, so..no one has been turned into a vampire in a thousand years?" I asked doubtfully.

He rolled his eyes. "No, some exceptions have been made over the years. Hell, there's a senator who was formerly human."

Now I was curious. "What warrants an exception?"

"Two things, though they kind of go hand-in-hand," he said, "Ya see, every once in a while, a vampire will fall in love with a human." He paused when I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You've got to be joking."

He shrugged, an almost flirtatious smile on his lips. "Vampires are hopeless romantics; its in our nature." His eye twinkled. Why was he so hot? "Anyway, the senator I mentioned–he showed up a few years ago–got really sick. A vampire name Persephone happened to fall in love with him, and she turned him to save his life. They are now happily married," he added with a wink.

Just then, a girl with green eyes and dark hair opened the door. Her eyes moved from Will to the way I was tied, then back again. She smirked. "Kinky,"

I wasn't sure who was more embarrassed, me or Will. "Lou!," he practically yelled, "That's not funny!"

"It's pretty funny," she said, "And don't deny it, you were thinking to same thing." I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not; I'd thinking it, too. "Ha! Even Nico's guilty!" Did she just...? "Read your mind? Yeah. I can do that. Fear me, bitch." Will burst out laughing despite himself.

"Okay then," I shifted uncomfortably, "I officially feel violated.."

"You'll get used to it, Cutie," Will said.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "I am not cute!"

"Yeah, Will, stop flirting," Lou teased, "By the way, Nico thinks you're hot."

"I-I do not!" I stuttered.

Will just shook his head, chuckling. "What do you want, Lou?"

"Oh, right." She leaned down so our face were only inches apart. "You promise not to viscously murder any of us while you're here?"

I flinched. "Er..yeah?"

She straightened and grinned. "You're free!" She gave a sideways glance at Will. "Unless of course...?"

Will shot up, his face bright red. "Lou Ellen, I swear to God!" I stared at him. He was way too skinny for his height. Why do I care?

Lou glanced at me. "Agreed." Then she swiftly pulled a knife and cut the ropes. I let my arms fall to my lap, rubbing my sore wrists and feeling the blood rush back to my fingertips. "Hey, Will, can I have a blood tablet?"

"I gave you one not two hours ago!" Lou gave him a look, and he sighed. "Fine." He grudgingly pulled the little black box from his inside vest pocket and opened it for her. She plucked one of the little white tablet from it and dropped into a water bottle I hadn't realized she was holding. It dissolved, turning to water red. Will put the box back in his pocket, then offered his hand to me. After a moment of hesitation, I took it, and he pulled me up. "Would you like a tour?"

I nodded. "Sure." I may as know my way around.

"Follow me then.

Word count: 691

I had know idea what the hell I was doing through most of this chapter. Also, fun fact, the song "The Kids Aren't Alright" by Fallout Boy is currently stuck in my head. Yep.

*rolls into the emo corner*

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