chapter thirteen ~ missing

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The sun began its slow descent below the horizon. Nimueh stood on the highest balcony in Cair Paravel, staring out over the ocean. Sighing, she stepped back inside. The Kings and Queens had not returned from their hunting trip. She had not heard from them since early that morning when she'd brought them some extra food just before they had ridden off to find the white stag; legend told that if you caught it, it would be grant you one wish.

Nimueh could have walked in the palace gardens the entire day and she wouldn't have been able to think of a single thing that she would wish for. The four Pevensies had reigned for fifteen years and in that time, though they had endured their fair share of hardships, the High King had not once gone back on his promise.

At one, had Nimueh been made a Lady of the court and the Owlwood from which the Firesong family hailed. She was appointed Chief Strategist, a role she took very seriously; even in her rare times of sickness, she had to miss a single council meeting. Nimueh had climbed the ranks of Their Majesties' army and just the year previous, after assisting Peter in his raid against the Giants of the North, she had been granted the rank of General. The celebrations of this victory had gone on for almost four days.

Her life could not have been more perfect. Until now.

Hitching up the skirt of her gown, she hurried out of the room and down the marble steps. Reaching the entrance hall, Nimueh met Tumnus, the now older, stouter fawn.

"Have they returned, Mr Tumnus?"

"I'm afraid not, my Lady. We have heard nothing from them."

"They had enough food and water to last them a day or so. They could be staying out in the woods overnight."

"I doubt it, my Lady. They will need rest, and they won't be able to hunt in the dark. The stag will likely not stay in this area long, especially not when it is being hunted."

"That does not put my mind to rest, Mr Tumnus."

"I'm sorry, my Lady."

"Should we send out a hunting party?"

"I think it best for us to wait a little longer. The Kings and Queens can take care of themselves."

Nimueh nodded, but said nothing else as she walked back through the castle, to the doors that opened up into a grand courtyard. A Dryad woman dressed in green sat at a small table, a table King Edmund often used to study or play chess outside on hot summer days. "Yvaine?"

The Dryad turned. Her face was sallow and sickly. Yvaine, who had grown great in both beauty and intelligence, had haunted, fearful eyes. "Nimueh, are their Majesties back?"

Nimueh could only shake her head, finding no words of comfort for her sister. She approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder, and tried to smile. "It has only been a day."

"I have the most terrible feeling."

"I know you are worried, but I'm sure everything is fine." And, though she knew it was pointless to lie to her, Nimueh added, "They won't be far away."

"No, it's not that. It's just...I feel an emptiness, like they're not..." Yvaine's voice cracked, "with us anymore."

Nimueh frowned. She wanted to believe that all was well, that her concern was unjustified. But Yvaine's abilities as a prophet were looming. Nimueh drew the young Dryad close, stroking her hair. She said nothing, because there was nothing else to be said.

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