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Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. I open my eyes and I hear my alarm clock ringing. I turn off the annoying sound that's hurting my ears and look at the time. Its 7 AM in the morning. Another day at school. Sigh. I get out of bed and look at my calendar. Today is the day, the day the planetary alignment will finally occur. Ive been waiting years for this to happen. My friends and I are going to watch it at the science lab at 4:56 PM. I really can't wait. I get off my bed and hurry to the bathroom. I take off my pyjamas and take a quick shower. I brush my teeth and hurry back to my room. I chose my outfit for today yesterday already. I rush to my chair and take my favorite t-shirt in my hands. It has the colors and stars of the universe printed on it and the planets are pointed out in white. And the best part of it is the text: I love science. I guess I'm a real nerd deep within. I dress up in my favorite t-shirt and a pair of jeans and grab my bag. I put on my shoes and rush to the living room.
"Good morning sweetie." My mom says.
"Good morning mom. I'll be home later today. I'll be watching the planetary alignment with my friends at the science lab today. I should be home in time for dinner."
"Sure. Ill see you at dinnertime then. Have fun!"
"I will!"
Its the last thing I say before I make my way out of the house and get in my car. As I drive my way to school I can't help but think of my dad. My dad died when I was only 10 years old. He loved science just as much as I do. He would have loved to see the planetary alignment and I wish I could watch it with him. Why did he have to go to work that day? He died in a car crash. He loved his job so much. He invented the spaceship which can travel in lightspeed. Our family had very extraordinary vacations. We went to Mars, Venus, Neptune and the moon together. He also invented a special space suit. We could walk on Mars and the moon freely without any complications. My dad owned our company and since he is gone its been taken over by his assistent who also happens to he his best friend. Luckily our company is still running. Its my dad's legacy and I intend to take it over someday. I want to be just as great as my dad was. I get out of my deep thoughts and concentrate on the road again. I see I've almost arrived at school. I park my car and get out. When I see my best friends I run to them.
'Aidan! Davina!'
'Hey Yara.' They both say.
'Are you both ready for the planetary alignment today?'
'I guess we are and looks like you're as well.' Davina says as she points at my t-shirt.
'Well what can I say, haha'
Then we all start laughing. We all walk into the school and head towards our lockers. I stand in front of my locker and it starts scanning my full body before it gives me access to the inside of my locker. I get my laptop out of it and place my girly stuff into it. I grab a few pencils and notebooks and before I go I check my hair. I really want to have hairlights.
'Are you ready Yara?' Aidan asks.
'Eh.. yeah I am. Did Davina already leave for her class?'
'Yeah she did.'
Davina has some other classes than Aidan and I have. She isnt into science that much. She is into dancing and music. Aidan is a very artistic guy and he is very good at languages. We got art classes together. I need to design everything before I invent them after all.
'Yara? Are you here?'
I snap out of my thoughts and look at Aidan.
'Sorry, what were you saying? I wasn't really here.'
'Are you okay? With your dad and stuff?'
'Yeah I am. Of course I miss him but he will be watching from above.'
'Shall we get you some new ideas at art class?'
'You can bet on that!'
Aidan has been helping me out a lot. His artistic side is different from mine. He loves to make symbolised art and that inspires me. He told me though that my art inspires him as well. We make a good team. We enter the classroom and take our seats.
"Good morning everyone. We all know the planetary alignment is gonna take place today. Therefore I will give you a new project. This project will be inspired by the planetary alignment. The project you were working on won't be canceled. See this as something extra. The winners of this challenge will receive bonus points. Now pair up and may the odds be ever in your favour.' The teacher says.
She is a real hunger games fan.
'Want to partner up with me Yara?' Aidan asks.
'Yes of course!'
'So have you got any idea?'
'Yes I do.'
I write everything down for Aidan and he agrees.
'Awesome idea Yara. Lets work on it immedietly!'
We both take our pencils and start making sketches. We draw everything piece by piece. We communicate and tell each other whats good and whats wrong. We give advice and work everything out until its perfect. Until we agree with our work. When its done we look everything over and correct some mistakes.
'We've done it Aidan! Great job. It looks awesome'
'I agree.'
'Are you two done already?' Our teacher asks.
'Yeah we are' I say happily.
'Well then you can take a break until the others are finished. Even though time's almost up.' She says.
I look around and watch the others. They're doing an amazing job as well. I look at the time and see that our 3 hours drawing classes are almost over. Almost lunchbreak.
'Hey Aidan, shall we go out for lunch?'
'Yeah seems like a good idea. Do you want to ask Davina as well?'
'Yeah sure, we can try. But I think she will be busy with her dancing classes. She wants to make it to the national championship after all.'
'Well let's try then.'
'I'll send a text'
I look at my watch and click on text. And then the projection of my texts appears in front of me. It has this super cool function. It has voice texts. What I say will be typed automatically and be sent to the person I want to send the text to.
'Send a text to Davina.'
'Start speaking.'
'Do you want to meet me and Aidan for lunch?'
And then the text is sent. I hear some clapping and I turn around to see our teacher.
'Can I all have your attention please? Time's up. Let's start the demonstration. Aidan, Yara, since you were done early you can start. What have you made?'
'We made a comic. We turned the planets into superheroes. Each planet has it's own superpowers based on the planet itself. The story is about saving the universe. An intergalactic force is approaching the milky way and wants to inhabit the earth. But therefore they would need to kill the humans. They're strong and have a lot of firepower. More than we have ever seen.' Aidan explains.
'They had been studying the earth for a long time and copied our military forces and weapons and they want to use that against us unless we move out of here. And that's where the superheroes come into the story. They each try to fight the intergalactic force on their own but none of them can beat them. Thats the part where they realise they have to work together. Get in line and be one. They unlock a power so great and they defeat the intergalactic force. They realise that together they're the strongest.' I explain further.
'Here are all the planets turned into superheroes each on their own. Their sketches. And here is the comic. You can all look at it and read it a bit through. This is the end of our demonstration.' Aiden says.
The other pupils stand up and walk towards the table with our work and they look at it. At the looks of it they find it cool. The teacher claps her hands again and everyone returns to their seats. She calls the next pair up. This pair rebuilt the solarsystem in 3D and when they pull the handle the planets move and rotate until they get in line. I think it's cool but also a bit predictable. Another pair made dresses inspired by the planets. Evening gowns. They're very pretty. The blue dress of neptune is the best. It has exactly the same color. Its an halter dress and it ends at the feet. It's a kind of mermaid dress. Silver armlets and a few bracelets. The hair is done beautifully. It has a few blue extensions. Two long double dutch braids and a few silver hair pins. The blue eyeshadow fits the dress perfectly. And I just love the blue lipstick. She looks intergalactic. Like she is really from Neptune. The last pair made a video game character. He is called Kento. Kento travels through the galaxy saving any planet that needs his saving. He has the magical powers of the universe. They brought him to life by a huge display made of carboard. The pair who made this are guys. It suits them. Our teacher thanks us for the demonstrations and starts speaking.
'I will now announce who the winners are. And the winners are..... Emma and Jacob! How you rebuilt the solar system and made them rotate in line is just incredible. You both receive 1 bonus point. When you have your grade of your current project I will count this one point with it. Then I now dismiss you all.'
I grab my bag and put all of my stuff in it. I check my watch and see that I got a text from Davina.
'Aidan, I got a text from Davina. She won't come with us. She wants to continue practicing. She will meet us later for the planetary alignment.'
'Well okay then. Let's go. Any place you prefer for lunch?'
'No, not really. What about you?'
'Yes, I know a place.'
Aidan and I leave the classroom and walk out of the school. He leads me towards a place called Tigerlily. It's not far from the school. We enter the building, take a seat and we look at the menu. They've got lots of stuff. Let me see, hmm. The waitress is here before I even know it.
'Can I take your orders?'
'Yes please, Yara you can go first.'
'Ehm, I want an ice coffee latte machiatio and toast with peanutbutter sauce, chicken, lettuce, red onion and paprika please.'
'Yes and what about you sir?' The waitress asks.
'I want double espresso and toast with ham, cheese and pineapple please.'
'Thank you, I'll be back soon with your orders.'
Then she leaves towards the kitchen.
'Pineapple?' I ask.
'Yeah, I love it. You should try it.'
'Maybe sometime, but thanks.'
'Do you understand why we did not win? Because I think what Emma and Jacob made is very predictable.'
'Yeah I was thinking the same but I understand our teacher's choice. I mean, we made a comic and Jeffrey and Peter created a videogame character. Stephanie and Melanie made a dress, but not only a dress, they kind of created characters based on the planets as well. So rebuilding the solarsystem and make it rotate is something different. In general it's not original but in this case it is. Sadly. But well, I'm sure we will do well with our current project anyway. We don't necessarily need the bonus points, do we?'
'I think you're right. And yes, I'm sure we will do great. Can't wait to continue with my work.'
I really like to talk with Aidan. He is such a nice guy. He is kind and passionate. He is determined to succeed like me. I wonder what he wants to do once he finishes school. Maybe something with art, or maybe languages? I met Aiden 12 years ago. I was on the playing field picking flowers for my mom and dad. Some kids came along and they recognized me. We were in kindergarten together. I already liked making stuff. I was the bright kid, too bright for my age and those kids used to bully me for it. On that day on the playing field they came to me and said mean stuff. 'You're a nerd.' 'You don't belong here.' 'Why don't you play with dolls like normal girls?' 'You're weird.' They took my flowers, threw them on the ground and crushed them by stamping on it. I started crying and that's the moment when Aidan came running to me. I didn't know him yet back then. He yelled to leave me alone and when the bullies said they wouldn't, Aidan hit one of them in the face. The bullies ran away and Aiden told me to stop crying as he comforted me. He asked what happened and I told him they trashed the flowers I picked for my mom and dad. And then he kindly told me we would pick some new ones. When I came home, my mom and dad asked me who this young man was. I told them the story of what happened. And then Aidan told my parents his dad owns a dojo and that he is learning japanese defend and fight sports there. That's how he beat the bullies and that he can teach me too. My parents agreed to that. I practiced with Aidan every day and he has been my best friend ever since. He is so protective and handsome.. I guess I'm lucky.
'Yara? Hello? Are you still alive?'
I snap out of my thoughts.
'Wait what?' I ask not knowing what he said.
'Are you sure you're okay?'
'Yes of course. Why do you ask?'
'Because our food and coffee is served and you haven't noticed.'
I look down at the table and I see my coffee and toast.
'How rude of me..'
Aidan starts laughing.
'What's so funny?'
'Nothing, just promise me you're fine. I mean, I understand that you've wanted to spend this day with your dad if you could but.. you've been waiting for this day to come for years. I remember you used to talk non-stop about it. So don't let sad thoughts ruin this day.'
'I won't, no worries. Thank you. Now let's eat before our lunch is getting cold.'
'I agree. I'm hungry.'
I start laughing. We both start eating our toast. We eat it in peace. I wonder.. does Aidan have an eye on anyone? He never talks about girls. I take a sip of my ice coffee. I'm so addicted to this stuff. I look at the time and I see that in 20 minutes our next class starts.
'Aidan, we need to go soon. It's almost 12 PM.'
'Let's finish our toast then and take the coffee with us.'
I nodd. We both finish our toast and I wave at the waitress who served us.
'I want to ask for the receipt and I also want to apologize for my rude behaviour. I was sunk deep into my thoughts.'
'It's no problem. We all have moments like these. Sir, its €4,80 for you and €4,60 for you m'am. How do you want to pay?'
'I'll pay for both. With card please.' Aidan says.
'Aidan, you don't have to, really.'
'No, it's okay. I want to.' He says with a smile.
'Then its €9,40 please.'
Aidan pays and wishes the waitress a nice day. We grab our coffee and start walking. I ask Aidan why he paid for me.
'It's a special day today. I wanted to cheer you up. It's been my plan all day long, it's my treat.' He says with a smile.
I thank him and smile as well. We head back to school as we finish our coffee in silence and watch the beautiful nature. When I see a trashcan I throw our cups into it.
'Ready for English class?' I ask.
'No, not really. We speak English so why do we need to have classes in English?'
'Fair point, but well there is enough to learn and I find the literature interesting.'
'It can be yeah, sometimes.'
After lunchbreak the day goes by very fast. It's 4 PM when I look at the time. Two boring classes of English, one hour of economics and one hour of geology. I walk to my locker and once it opens I put all my stuff back in. I check my reflection in the mirror. I look really tired and my hair is a mess. I grab my hairbrush and brush my blonde hair. I grab my make-up remover, my eyeliner and mascara and put them in my bag. I close my locker and walk towards the ladies room. I remove my eyeliner and renew it. I renew my mascara as well and I looks much better. As I leave the ladies room I hear the ringtone of my watch. I grab my wireless earphone and connect it with my watch. I answer the call. It's Davina.
'Hey where are you? Aidan and I are waiting for you at the sciencebuilding. We still need to prepare all the stuff.'
'I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few minutes.'
'Okay then. We will see you soon.'
I hang up and disconnect my wireless earphone. I take it off and put it back in my bag. I walk down the hallway out of the school and make my way to the science building. Its 4:17 PM, planetary alignment here I come. As soon as I arrive at the science lab I start preparing the stuff together with Aidan and Davina. I prepare the tv and make space. Davina brought us some snacks and cola but I don't think I'll have time to eat or drink when the most exciting moment of my life is about to happen. Now that everything is ready for use, it's time to prepare our glasses of champagne. I take my phone out of my bag and place it on the standard. I click on the recording button and it starts recording. It's time for my little speech.
'Okay guys. It's 4:45 PM, in 11 minutes the planetary alignment will take place. Its 2178, march 23. Let's raise our glasses and toast. I'm happy I get to see this with my best friends. A toast on our friendship and this awesome day.'
We raise our glasses in the air and then we take a huge sip. I stop the recording and turn off the camera of my phone. I check the time and its 4:52 PM. I put my glass of champagne on the table behind me and walk over to the tv. I sit down on my chair and I zap until I found the right channel. They are showing us the live images of the satellites. We all take a seat and watch. I hear my watch beeping and that means its counting down.
'The counting down began guys!' I say in excitement.
When it reaches 10 we all count down together out loud as we watch. The planets are so close and when they get in line, something happens. I see enormous white light coming from the planets, and then it releases the enormous white light. It roams all over the earth. It's like an energetic shockwave. There are images of floods and exploding volcanos . There are images of earthquakes and tornado's. It's all happening right now, all over the earth. I feel a little strange and when I'm about to ask Aidan and Davina, the strong wind destroys our windows and the ground starts shaking a little, things fall on the ground and break. The tv shuts down and before I know it, everything turns black.

Yara: the chosen oneWhere stories live. Discover now