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*I have to say before reading this that some of you might have different opinions on the balance of good and evil and how the world needs it and whatnot, but let me remind you guys that this is a just story, I'm not trying to go against anyone's opinions and I don't want to get into an argument with anybody on it. If you are to comment, please don't try to start a debate. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, I just wanted to get that out there. I really do hope you enjoy the story! Thank you!:D*

What we believe in the real world is only a lie that has been told to humanity since the beginning of time. All that we’ve known, the stories of wars and culture and religion that have been passed down through the millennia have just been what they are: stories. No one can rely on the fact if they’re true or not. Who’s to say if the Egyptians really did build the pyramids or if they were made by aliens or some other ridiculous assumption? What about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln? What if he really wasn’t murdered and people have only said that so they can keep another war from breaking out? The truth in the world is not a truth, it is only knowledge that we think is true because we have nothing left to believe in.

Don’t let these words leave you worried about your own beliefs. What is being said is only what curiosity has taken over the minds of those who don’t have anything else to have faith in. We are left with questions that will linger forever in time because no one on this planet could possibly answer them. So we just continue to ask more questions to see what we could conjure out of our curious minds:

Where can we look for the answers? In a history book? No, there are too many versions of the same story. What about a document from the ancient times? You could barely read or understand what it would say, so why rely on it? 

Well, what about someone from that time? What if there was somebody that is still alive today that could give us the correct answers to our questions?!

Usually modern society would say ‘Have you gone mad? It’s impossible!’ And then the curious questioners would move on to another supposition.

Well, these next words would blaspheme modern society’s words for doubting the possibilities of nature.

It is possible and it is very real. You are probably thinking ’Is this person really serious? Of course it’s not possible.’ But you obviously are a doubter of possibility, my friend. I am about to tell you the story of one of these creatures of time. Time is inevitable and for some beings of life it does not effect. This being is not normal or human in fact, but has only passed itself on as a human in order to live through the ages of the world, making sure humanity does not destroy itself.

That is why humans only know the stories of their history books and not of the real truth. They are all lies because of this creature. Don’t hate it because it has lied  to you. This being has only done this to try to teach mankind a lesson, but mankind is stubborn and a bad listener. More lessons are needed to be taught and this creature must live for eternity in order to make sure humans are given what they need to hear.

Until humans understand how to live in peace, harmony, and compassion with one another, then this living being will live until that day comes. Once that day comes, it will disappear, as if it never existed, but only in time itself. Time knows everything and it knows what life needs. 

This is what time sounds like.

This being has a name and it is Tempus. Born at the beginning of the very first war in the world. Not only a physical war, but a war inside humanity. Within humans, there are wants and needs that pull on their conscious until man finally gives in. Things like this are greed, hunger, and jealousy. Those are only examples though and the first war inside a human had all of these emotions inside them. Tempus was brought into the world as a piece of Time itself. It looks like a human; to be specific, it looks like a woman, a full grown woman at the age of 20 with long black and white hair. Half of her head is white and the other is black, straight down the middle of her skull. She used to have all white hair once she was born, but developed the black part of her hair from being on earth, the darkness and death affecting her own look. Her figure is full and curving, her face is almost sculpture-like. Everything carefully carved by a skillful artist: sharp cheekbones, full lips, straight eyebrows, slightly curved nose, and hypnotizing gray eyes. 

Time had given her a mission, a purpose in the world and that was to teach humanity how to, in lack of a better explanation, behave itself. She is the first teacher, the first historian and story teller. She is everything that this world has started with as a balancer of nature. Evil was not meant to be on Earth, it was to have been destroyed. She is evil’s fate of permanent destruction and she will stop at nothing to terminate it from this beautiful planet, to make sure all of humanity becomes good in order to destroy evil.

Balance is not the amount of good and evil, it is a cycle within nature. Naturally, the cycle is supposed to continue in a circle with life creating life in the process, with limitations of course such as the amount of time between one being‘s life and another life coming into the world. As long as there is life, life will be provided in return. With evil, only death and destruction comes. This takes the process and strays it from its true path.

What we know as a ‘natural’ cycle today is not what was meant to be. This world was meant to be peaceful, unending, and above all, good. Only goodness was meant to live in this world. Though some would say that we need evil in the world to know the difference from good and evil and know how to stay away from evil.

Tempus teaches us that that is the problem. If evil never existed, no one would know what it is and humanity wouldn’t have to protect itself from anything such as a murderer or even death itself. Evil is what gave humanity the emotions of greed and jealousy and hatred and it needs to be taken out of humans in order to live in a world where evil doesn’t exist.

Evil provides a lot. It gives more life than good would, but it takes away life just as often as it is given. It gives us pleasures, but with unimaginable prices and does not last forever. These are only a few examples of what evil has brought onto earth. 

Time is here for a reason and we won’t know it until we learn what is right, not what is wrong, but what is always right so we do not stray from what is the truth.

Yet so far, mankind doesn’t even know the truth because humans will never listen. Evil has taken a large toll on the world and Tempus can barely get the world to listen.

Earth is falling into chaos because humanity is becoming more and more stubborn and ignorant. No one knows where the evil is coming from, but it is winning a battle that Tempus cannot lose. . .because if she loses, the entire world comes to an end.

The world is close to falling underneath it’s own weight and Tempus must do everything within her power to stop it. Time, literally, is on her side. 

Now, I have provided you with enough information to proceed with the story. I must warn you, do not stray from your own beliefs. I am not trying to persuade you, only to give you what you need to know.

Shall we begin?

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