How To Annoy Bella Swan

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Very very very hyper, I got a lot of fireworks can't  wait to shoot them off. Again, If you want me to do a spesific person, comment that person's name. I'll dedicate the next chapter to whoever comments first. Have a great day!!!!!!!


1. Tie her down and make her listen to Justin Beiber

2. Kidnap Nessie and Edward, and text her from their phones, text her what ever comes to mind

3. Take her shopping

4. When she's sleeping, do her hair and make up

5. Bribe Jacob to propose to her, everyday for a year

6. Teach her to tango, don't let her give up, no matter how many times she falls down

7. Follow her around, begging her to take Jake back so you can have Edward

8. Pretend to be a witch, and do a magic spell trying to bring Victoria back

9. Raid her closet with Alice

10. Dye her hair purple

11. knock her out and paint her hands and feet green, pretend she has a serious skin condition (Drake and Josh :P)

12. Scream WE ALL LIVE IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE! every time she moves (The Beatles :P)

13. Learn a different language (preferably Ancient Greek, or gibberish) and when you talk to her talk in that language, only her talk to every one else in english

14. Challenge her to a rap battle, and beat her!

15. Teach everyone else the language from #13 and ask them to only talk in that language

16. Ask her to go on vacation to Esme Isle and send her to Japan

17. Put tuna juice in her shampoo and let a bunch of cat chase her

18. Play the bagpipes (badly)

19. Play the trumpet (loudly and badly)

20. Make her watch a TVD marathon and ask her why she's not as cool as them (Absolutely no offence, I love TVD)

21.  Pretend to be an FBI agent and make all the evidence point to her (make her guilty)

22. Enlist her into the army (it would make Jasper soooo proud)

23. Call her, and right after she picks hang up

24. Fire a lot of fireworks at  her (DO NOT SET HER ON FIRE!)

25. Set her on fire

26. Text her a paragraph about your worst enemy, 1 letter at a time

27. Try to stake her, throw garlic at her, soak her room in holy water, and/or set a bunch of things on fire

28. Cut hearts into her favorite sweaters, jeans, shirts, ect. 

29. Sign her up for gymnastics

30.  Give her a kitten, every day for a month, make sure Edward is going to be gone for a while, an text him that Bella got the kittens without his permission (it'll annoy him too)

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