Chapter 12: Wonderful Chain of Events

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Aaron hadn't expected them back. At least, not so soon. Ball had sent them, alone, on a mission into unknown occupied territory. Even for spartans, that was a tall order. Even so, they returned and sooner than expected. It wasn't even past midnight. Not only did they return, they did so flanked by a parade of fresh-faced, fully armed soldiers. "They did it. I'll give it to them, they did it," Ball muttered incredulously.

"Surprised, admiral?"

"Surprised, yes. But a welcome one, to be sure. Although, I dislike surprises. I think of it more as...a pleasant change of events." Ball walked back into the base and smiled. "A wonderful chain of events." Sarah hobbled into the command centre after her, curious. "Is there something you forgot to tell us, admiral?"

"Quite, commander. A small force of ships has arrived to assist us in our battle. From the Demepor system, an old friend. Five frigates, loaded with fighters, and a destroyer are all prepared to assist what remains of our navy. We may yet save our planet."

"Another six ships won't help us kill a CSO, not with a planet of people to defend, and I don't have any more daring plans prepared."

"Even if you did, there is little left of you to put them into action." Ball eyed Sarah's wounds. "We won't need them. Commander, ready your soldiers. We are going to evacuate every last civilian on the planet."

"I see. How?"

"Simple, truly. Currently, the CSO is preoccupied with the moons. We are but a thorn in their side, which phantoms eagerly search for. Since our greatest foe is off-world and we are hidden, we have an advantage. We must act on it."

"Now, our three remaining cruisers are going to be on station to draw it further away, while we load any civilians we can onto a frigate and have them escape. We will then move to engage the corvettes, one by one, leaving the CSO defenceless. Together, we will launch a boarding assault, alongside naval support, and destroy the CSO. Ready your soldiers, commander. They will be busy." 

 The single mongoose pulled in close to the base, the two passengers visibly exhausted. They stumbled through the clods on their approach, supporting each other all the way. They watched as they walked up the hill. They watched as they entered the base. They watched as they walked to their commander. Everywhere. They watched.

Sarah smiled as Marie and Richard returned. "Excellent work, the pair of you. You'll have to debrief me later, because, and you don't understand how much this hurts, we're on another mission." Both soldiers withheld groans. "We're heading out at sundown tomorrow, and I suggest you get some rest. It will be a long day." Sarah walked away, searching for Aaron. It had been rough, adjusting to life without Derek, and now she needed to talk. For once, about something not concentrated on war.

He wasn't far away. Poring over maps, diagrams, troop deployments. A naïve person might think he was working to keep it out of his mind. Sarah was not naïve. It was compartmentalised to him. Derek died, they did not. They had a war to fight. So he was fighting it. "2, what's it looking like?"

"Identical, commander. I don't see any flaws we could possibly do anything about." Aaron stepped aside as Sarah glanced over the papers. It was true. A few weak divisions here and there, but overall as sound a plan as they could have. "Since we'll likely die in the next week, and the war effort is as good as we can get it, I suggest we talk."


"You heard me. It's nothing serious, I just..." She threw her arms down and looked up at him, squinting. "Am I right? Did Derek get himself killed, or am I overreacting?"

"Is it my place to say?"

"Permission to speak freely, if that's what you're caught up on."

"He did what he had to do. He paid the price. I believe there was another way, but he was set on his. Whether my plan would have worked, I don't know. All I do know, is, he accomplished the mission. That's all they ever wanted from us." He paused. "Commander we've been over this. I meant what I said."

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