Chapter 9: Unforeseen Consequences

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The phantom flew into the hangar like an owl. Ugly as sin, but it did the job. Unlike an owl, it screeched and spewed foul black smoke. As they drew near the deck, personnel backed away, coughing and spluttering. "Set her down." Sarah pressed her head against the wall, her steely gaze unbreaking. Marie didn't say anything, but in those eyes, she saw something change. A sheen of tears, then it vanished. Replacing it, a cold, grey look of icy focus. Of everything Marie had seen, this unsettled her the most. Days after, her dreams would be filled with iced eyes glaring, glaring, always. Lidless. Cold. Unblinking.


Aaron was at the controls, guiding the phantom down. It crashed into a walkway, then slammed into the deck. The heavy jolt roused Richard from unconsciousness. He had been slumped against the wall, fretting and groaning. He rolled his neck to get rid of the ache and rubbed the bruise on his jaw. "Oh god, that smarts." He winced and put his hand on the damaged skin again, more gingerly this time.

"Next time, follow orders," Sarah said, her voice like a knife in Richard's gut. He looked down, dejected until he realised who was flying. "You let the LC fly?" Richard staggered to the controls while Aaron stroked his fist. Aaron stopped when Sarah waved to let Richard proceed. "Here, let me." He stretched out his hands. Aaron pushed him away and Richard resisting throwing his hands to his side like a toddler. "It doesn't have landing gear. Turn off the thrust and let it hover." Aaron fought the controls some more, then gave in and let Richard have his way.

The soldiers proceeded to the exit hallway. Deckhands and first-aid had taken to Sarah, wiping away the blood and checking her vitals like fussy parents. Unburdened by her CO, Marie rushed to Richard. "You're awake!" She said brightly. Too brightly. "Thanks for your concern," he said. His voice was low and Marie's face fell, to her credit, if only for a second. Her smile returned and she tried to speak. Richard shrugged her off. "We can talk later, now isn't the time."

For the first time ever, the two walked side by side, without loud jeers and mockery. Ah, Derek. Derek, ever the joker. Loud, brash and irritating. But loveable, in the way an overeager child was. And now, he was gone. His jokes were gone. All that remained was empty air. Who knew you could miss an annoyance?

A marine ran to them, waving his arms wildly. "The captain wants to see you. It's urgent!""What's going on?" Sarah struggled to ask. Her heart could hardly take it. God, could she not rest? Give Aaron command, while she slept and let herself go? Just once?


Aaron was a capable commander, but he didn't hold their loyalty. Their love. He didn't have Sarah's perspective. She had to do this. Once more unto the breach.

As she listened to the marine, Sarah found it hard to concentrate. To her surprise, it wasn't because of grief. No, grief was hardly a thought. No, her blood was boiling and she was ready to kill. She longed to be a front line grunt, killing what she was told. Leave the tactics and strategy to better men and women.

Deep inside, she felt a hate. Greater than anything she had ever felt before. She had always held the covenant in a sort of reverence. A great, looming threat to be taken seriously. But now, she couldn't describe how she felt. Reverence and caution had been replaced. She was something else, now.

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